Dried flowers

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I converted this one to black and white and turned up the contrast to emphasise the "pen-drawn" qualities of the shot.


For more info: http://photoreflect.blogspot.com/2008/04/architecture-and-nature.html

Hi Tony, nice abstract me likey (y)
can you do one without the severe crop at the sides?
methinks it would look more balanced with background left & right

Thanks for the feedback Dave. I have several takes on this, including some with a border left and right, some with no top border, some with colour, etc. Of all the permutations this was the one I preferred. I guess that's because I had in mind a fabric design when I composed the shot!

Regards, Tony
I like it a lot. i think it may look a little unbalanced as on the right the flower on the edge is more dence than on the left.
Very very nicely done indeed. Love it but then I'm very into simple ideas that are distilled down to the bare essence at the mo.
Yep nice image, I do agree with Ruth that there is an ever so slight imbalance with the far left and far right flowers but a minor niggle only.

Nice image well captured!