Dropped Off The Map

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Afternoon all,

Just had a quick check of my website ranking and after being in first position for my few keywords for around a year or so I seem to have dropped off a cliff in the last day-ish. Like, really dropped.

My site is by no means the fastest (in fact it’s pretty damn slow according to GTmetrix) but that obviously hasn’t been an issue in the last year or so therefore I’ve just left it alone. Have Google moved the goalposts again in the last week?


I’d try to work on the speed but the issue may not be anything you’ve done but something other sites have done to improve their ranking over yours. I Googled “wedding photographer Newcastle upon Tyneand you have a lot of competition.

The search console will also show you what keywords are being searched and your position for each over a period of time. Is there a significant drop there?
With so many wedding photographers having so much free time on their hands a lot of that time has been spend on learning and working on S.E.O it could well be that your competitors have upped their game.

Have you done a full link check on ahrefs etc to make sure you haven’t been demoted because someone has setup a load of bad links to your site? Have you checked to see that you haven’t lost any high performing links that were helping keep you on first page in the first place? Either could cause a quick drop.
Thanks for the replies and suggestions fellas. Seems to have magically righted itself overnight. Panic over.....for now.

That’s sounds very like bad links. Sometimes google will pick up on your site being spammed and disregard them and ranking comes back as if by magic.