DSLR photography Excellance Awards.... IN SHOCK!!!!

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Thats right. I still cant get over it!

I've been entering a monthly photography competition now for the last half a year. The Magazine,DSLR photography , have been running monthly themes and asking people to send in there results to get them judged. You either get a Pass, Merit, or Distinction, or if your really bad a FAIL!
I ended up, out of seven rounds, with 1 Distinction, 2 Merits, and so far 3 Passes. (one round still unjudged).
So and this is why I'm so shocked.... On Thursday I recieved a letter from the editor ofthe magazine teling me, 'Thanks for entering and well done on passing the 7 rounds' 'Further to this you are in the top 100 competitors and are invited to a award ceremony at the Association of Photographers Gallery in London this Friday! Where you could even be the Grand Prize winner! (camera gear up to the value of 5K!!) WOW!!!

Someone get me a chair!
Sorry but really excited as this is the first time I've 'won' anything to do with photography!!
Brilliant. Congratulations - hope you're going along?
:naughty: You bet your a$$ I am..... I can't wait!!!! :woot:

Don't worry the other 99 people will just be there to make up the numbers. ;)

Good luck! (y)
Well done mate, persistence payed off it seems.:)

Shame you will have to be at work friday..:LOL:
Tell you what, it was close.... :thinking:

I had to shuffle the rotas about to get the afternoon/evening off and a late on Sat!!! :LOL: (helps being manager!! :naughty:)
Congratulations (y) good luck on Friday.
Congratulations and hope you have a good day on Friday (y)
Congrats and good luck with the draw... might be an idea to find out the other 99's identities and strike them down with food poisoning or some thing...

Then sit and snigger whilst playing with the new toys..

Failing that keep everything crossed for the draw..

Good luck

well done, let us all know how it goes, shame youve got to miss work though , :D

good luck.
congrats! i got the same letter too, though i cannot make it to the ceremony in london as its just too far for me right now!


*snigger* only 99 going now! :LOL:

I have a 1 in 99 chance now!! :woot: :LOL:

Shame you couldn't make it though, could of met up!
What a good night! :D
First time I've been to a award ceremony and it was rather fun! Got to see my pic on a large screen while we waited, and ate silly little hotdogs and beefburgers! :LOL:
I didn't win but I got a certifcate to say well done and congrats for completing the 7 rounds! Not great but I got it for entering something i thought i'd never complete, so yay me!

Guess I'll try harder next year and see if I can get in the top 3! (got a bet on with the girlfriend that who ever does better gets £10! and the Editor was the witness!!!! :LOL:)
Absolutely, many congratulations clawz, sounds like you've put the effort in and deserve everything you get (y)