Beginner Dunnock (not a Sparrow)....

Having read through the thread again I think you need to drop the 'beginner' tag as you're quite experienced.

Your bird shots are 'beginner' standard and there's nothing wrong with that but it seems that you're not really looking to embrace the critique or help that people are taking the time to give.

The only reason I think you should drop the beginner tag is it will influence the type of feedback you get.
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Having read through the thread again I think you need to drop the 'beginner' tag as you're quite experienced.

Your bird shots are 'beginner' standard and there's nothing wrong with that but it seems that you're not really looking to embrace the critique or help that people are taking the time to give.

The only reason I think you should drop the beginner tag is it will influence the type of feedback you get.

....Yes, I can of course drop the 'Beginner' tag but I have been using it because I have only been photographing with DSLR since December and only about a fortnight with the 400mm lens.

I don't think it's either correct or fair for anyone to imply that I have not been embracing the help offered, nor to imply that I have ignored feedback. Just re-read my threads and you will see that I both take notice of critique/feedback and that I post my full appreciation of people's time. I assure you that if I don't mean thankyou I don't bother to say so.

If you mean that I have been ignoring advice which produces yet another perfectly sharp bird on a stick like branch with a 'clean' plain background and nothing else in the photo, then you're damned right I have. Although such guide book standard images are very proficient indeed, I find them somewhat boring and repetitive. However, the skills and techniques which go into producing such images are not ignored - That's how I have been making progress even if it's slow and sometimes a step backwards.

But regarding how a Beginner tag can influence the type of feedback then I thank you for bringing that to my attention and I will not ignore your advice.

I chose my words carefully.

I didn't say you were ignoring feedback in fact I said earlier in the thread that the Dunnock was a step in the right direction.

Whether you choose to 'embrace' feedback is up to you and that's fair enough as (like you've reiterated) we all like different things.
I chose my words carefully.

I didn't say you were ignoring feedback in fact I said earlier in the thread that the Dunnock was a step in the right direction.

Whether you choose to 'embrace' feedback is up to you and that's fair enough as (like you've reiterated) we all like different things.

....I realise you weren't accusing me of not listening but others have done so in posts and my reply was to all who read this thread.

Cheers (y)

Am just posting a new thread (without the Beginner tag) :

All comments welcome!
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I actually saw your photos on your Flickr. I like all your photos.

I also think you should lose the beginner tag too!! :)

....:D The beginner tag is gone.

Thankyou for such an encouraging comment about my photos - We all try our best (y)