
Any one good place you have found for price John? In fact from memory I think I only seen once place that sold it, as I was not really looking for it. Forgot where that was now.
I currently get mine at alchemists cupboard, but there's a group buy on AAEC for 1kg (about 800ml) for around £65. Might be worth a look.
I just ordered two from them Colin and chose 1st class free delivery. I am sure they will arrive before the Clone does from FT :LOL: A couple have said they had a bit of fiddling to fit them in as they are a slightly different size to the odd ball atmomixani sized magnets, but then a lot of people have said they sat in there a treat and work great.

How did you get on with the magnets Rich? Mine arrived this morning but I think I'm going to put the spring back, couple of times today the connection is just not being made, a problem I didn't have with the springs. Aside from that I'm very happy with the device and in 18350 mode with the Fogger on top it's pretty dinky. Fogger going better again with 1.3Ohm microcoil and cotton wick.
How did you get on with the magnets Rich? Mine arrived this morning but I think I'm going to put the spring back, couple of times today the connection is just not being made, a problem I didn't have with the springs. Aside from that I'm very happy with the device and in 18350 mode with the Fogger on top it's pretty dinky. Fogger going better again with 1.3Ohm microcoil and cotton wick.
Working fine Colin, somebody on POTV said he was having problems fitting them but I did mine without a hitch. I spoke to guy and he is expecting some 17mm magnets in shortly with 10mm center holes. After putting the first magnet in that just automatically attached itself to the bottom of the base. I then held the other in place flush with the balck plastic piece and pushed it down in. Replaced the firing pin and screwed it down just enough so the black plastic ring was just down inside the bottom cap,works a treat. I might see about getting a replacement firing pin as I am not so sure aluminium is the best thing to have. also pleased with the IGO-W, already built in dual coil mode, but at 1.4ohm I might try a rebuild and knock that down a bit. Or failing that a single micro with cotton. Thought you might want to have a look at this to make you smile.

Would love to give the triceratops coil a go but I'm down to my last 18 inches of kanthal. :LOL:

Yeah the magnets went in without any trouble but because of the movement in them it just wasn't as smooth as the spring, maybe I've just been lucky with the switch on mine anyway. It seems very smooth and has never failed to fire even when only pressing the very edge of the switch.
Well i have joined the ranks of vaping after comeing out of hospital a month ago , so it's a month tomorrow since i had a real smoke and iv smoked roll up's for 40 years.

Im using a egoC with the ajusterble battery at the moment with tobaco flaver juice ,it seem's ok although i do now and then get the burnt taste but hopefully i can live with that and keep of the roll's :)

Never thought i would ever give it up and although early day's im giveing it ago .

Well done Robert, hope your success continues. One thing I missed when moving from rollies was the actual making of them. Tinkering with rebuildables and having different devices seems to have filled that gap for me now though.
Well i have joined the ranks of vaping after comeing out of hospital a month ago , so it's a month tomorrow since i had a real smoke and iv smoked roll up's for 40 years.

Im using a egoC with the ajusterble battery at the moment with tobaco flaver juice ,it seem's ok although i do now and then get the burnt taste but hopefully i can live with that and keep of the roll's :)

Never thought i would ever give it up and although early day's im giveing it ago .


Well done Robert keep it up. There is plenty to research on with regards to kit and liquid, stepping up to a variable voltage device or a mech mod will more as likely be your next move at some point. You will get a much improved vapour and taste which will be likened more to smoking an analogue than ever.
Well i have joined the ranks of vaping after comeing out of hospital a month ago , so it's a month tomorrow since i had a real smoke and iv smoked roll up's for 40 years.

Im using a egoC with the ajusterble battery at the moment with tobaco flaver juice ,it seem's ok although i do now and then get the burnt taste but hopefully i can live with that and keep of the roll's :)

Never thought i would ever give it up and although early day's im giveing it ago .


Well done Robert, a few weeks in and you will see the benefits. There will be a few up and down days where you might find you have a few little problems with the vape and flavour etc, but nothing that cannot be sorted as there is always somebody to ask. Keep it up M8 (y)
That's a bit rubbish :\ I quit with a cigalike though.. so it wouldn't be too bad for me personally.
Saying it's a gateway to smoking, where it should say a gateway to NOT smoking, It's madness


a) Electronic cigarettes are a tobacco related product and should be regulated within this
Directive. They simulate smoking behaviour and are increasingly used and marketed to young
people and non-smokers. Diverging legislation exists in Member States to regulate these products
requiring action at Union level to improve the functioning of the internal market. Other nicotine
containing products are not covered by the provisions of this Directive. Electronic cigarettes
which are presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings
should not fall under this Directive. They can only be placed on the market if duly authorised
under Directive 2001/83/EC. For electronic cigarettes that fall under this Directive, the definition
of medicinal products according to Article 1.2.b of Directive 2001/83/EC does not apply. This
clarifies the legal situation of this product in the light of Article 2.2 of Directive2001/83/EC.
b) Refillable cartridges or electronic cigarettes with refillable tanks are considered to pose a risk
to public health. Such products would for example allow for a circumvention of the flavour
regulation, they would increase the risk of contamination and they would lead to the wider
availability of larger quantities of nicotine containing liquids, which can be a risk to
inexperienced users or children
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We might need to get used to cigalikes. The current proposal from the EU commission is to ban ALL refillable atomisers/tanks and ALL eliquids. :-o

If this goes through, Vaping in the UK is over.

http://nicotinepolicy.net/documents/policy/Article 18 - Electronic cigarettes - Commission proposal 22 Nov 2013.pdf

Yes I read through that John as it was posted up elsehwere, nothing unusual to do things behind closed doors nowadays, so much for the democratic society we are supposed to be living in.
It's very sad really, if they really cared about peoples heath there would be a complete ban on smoking, they care not one jot. this is about control, it's no surprise they repeatedly refer to children, they see everyone as a child to be controled
Running out of pluid and wanting to get something similar any ideas? Are snake bite and predators/scorpion blood realy just the same as pluid
I found Predator juice better than Pluid in all honesty, I also found Druid from Mrs Lords very good also. Whilst it still had the aniseed come absinthe taste it does have it`s own little twist. Do not forget Snake Oil also.
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That's a bit rubbish :\ I quit with a cigalike though.. so it wouldn't be too bad for me personally.

Cigalikes will be limited to no more than 0.5ml of up to 20mg/ml juice. I'd need 6-8 disposables a day. It will be MUCH cheaper to smoke.
We have quite alot of shops and stalls selling e cig stuff round here now and i have NEVER seen them marketed towards youngsters and non smokers! what a load of bull they are spouting! I have met so many e cig users I wouldnt want to begin to count them, only one was a non smoker. he uses nic free juice as a way to give up sweets!
We have quite alot of shops and stalls selling e cig stuff round here now and i have NEVER seen them marketed towards youngsters and non smokers! what a load of bull they are spouting! I have met so many e cig users I wouldnt want to begin to count them, only one was a non smoker. he uses nic free juice as a way to give up sweets!
I dont think you will find children being targeted be rputible vendors, however the corner shop seems to be another kettle of fish. One of the Mods on POTV witnessed THIS
I dont think you will find children being targeted be rputible vendors, however the corner shop seems to be another kettle of fish. One of the Mods on POTV witnessed THIS
Didnt read all 19 pages but I can see whats happened. I havent seen that in any of the stores round here, and we have quite a few newsagents and such stocking the elites or similar. Im not sure that kids are being targeted as such just the shops are not engaging their brains when it comes to placing them (and obviously that particular store doesnt care who they sell to).
We have quite alot of shops and stalls selling e cig stuff round here now and i have NEVER seen them marketed towards youngsters and non smokers! what a load of bull they are spouting! I have met so many e cig users I wouldnt want to begin to count them, only one was a non smoker. he uses nic free juice as a way to give up sweets!

Have to admit that I've been tempted to take up vaping as a sweetie substitute. Used to be a heavy smoker (40/day) but gave up around 25 years ago. I can see (to some extent) that the Nicotine juices need some sort of control - it is a poison after all (as is alcohol, the other legal drug much abused...) but to make it more expensive to vape than smoke is Barbie dolling stupid.
Have to admit that I've been tempted to take up vaping as a sweetie substitute. Used to be a heavy smoker (40/day) but gave up around 25 years ago. I can see (to some extent) that the Nicotine juices need some sort of control - it is a poison after all (as is alcohol, the other legal drug much abused...) but to make it more expensive to vape than smoke is Barbie dolling stupid.

Not to the tobacco industry it's not or the massive loss of Duty to governments
What is it 80% duty ?
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Anyone got/tried the Njoy yet ? I ordered the free one but not come yet
My juice did not turn up today so I went and got a Njoy Bold, only had a few vaps on it but there is a fairly strong throat hit and a fair amount of vaper, no idea how long it will work for as no indication anywhere

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Anyone got/tried the Njoy yet ? I ordered the free one but not come yet
My juice did not turn up today so I went and got a Njoy Bold, only had a few vaps on it but there is a fairly strong throat hit and a fair amount of vaper, no idea how long it will work for as no indication anywhere

Still waitiing for mine to come through Helen. I was sent a few free bottles of juice the other day from a member. I instantly fell in love with one of them which was a Lemon Meringue Pie, also to die for I reckon was the Mice Pie flavour. I straight away put an order in for some more from Herbal Tides. Speaking to the guy who runs it Danny, I ordered the Caramel and Salt flavour. He said he has been mixing liquids since 2006 and that one is his best flavour to date, he also has Willly Wonka onboard his mixing team as well as a few people in the states.
Still waitiing for mine to come through Helen. I was sent a few free bottles of juice the other day from a member. I instantly fell in love with one of them which was a Lemon Meringue Pie, also to die for I reckon was the Mice Pie flavour. I straight away put an order in for some more from Herbal Tides. Speaking to the guy who runs it Danny, I ordered the Caramel and Salt flavour. He said he has been mixing liquids since 2006 and that one is his best flavour to date, he also has Willly Wonka onboard his mixing team as well as a few people in the states.
I'll have a look at them
Checked Njoy site and still not been sent out yet
Can't believe this the Njoy has gone dead already, only got it at 4.30 and no way have I vaped it hard, maybe 30-40 vaps at most

Now I have nothing till my liquid turns up tomorrow I hope :(

Worth taking a ooking at.
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Been on E-Lites for over a year now... i was a 60 a day chain smoker for over 10 years.
Life changing - just need to quit these dam things now!
Been on E-Lites for over a year now... i was a 60 a day chain smoker for over 10 years.
Life changing - just need to quit these dam things now!

Wrong section if you want to give these up :LOL: Welcome Stewart (y)
free Njoy arrived today, OH says its carp but ok for an emergency vape! lol, will probably chuck it in the car for when he forgets his usual one
free Njoy arrived today, OH says its carp but ok for an emergency vape! lol, will probably chuck it in the car for when he forgets his usual one
Mine lasted about 2 hours on very moderate vaping so let us know how it goes
