Elements 10

Edit My Images
Anyone upgraded from Elements9 to Elements10, is it worth the upgrade?
For the £29.99 I paid for it ... possibly, for the £70 odd it normally costs ... no!
Most reviews in photo and computer mags say only worth the upgrade up to elements 9.
From 9 to 10 not worth it.
I upgraded from 6 to 10 and its ok, pleased with it but had I had 9 no.
Let me give you two examples of staying with what you have.

As a member of the local club I enter many comps, and did over 12 years ago, back then I was using (12 years ago) Jask Paintshop Pro SEVEN (7), Jask were bought out by Corel and now they have Paint shop "Photo" Pro 14.

I still use 7. and the other week I was talking with another member who also uses 7.

I also have Elements 10 and Corel PPPX3, guess what I use every single day, yes..... PSP7

If it aint broke ..........
I remember PSP when it came out for the Amiga way back, it was the bees knees then. A 8mb hard drive would cost hundreds of pounds, extra ram was just a dream to some folk like me who couldn't afford extras.
Believe it or not PSP was afreeware to version 5, I still have 4, as I said I use 7, why not its as good today as it was.

In fact 7 was THE first to allow over 8Mg files to be loaded and edited, 6 and below were limited to 6Mb
I use 9 and from what i recall, most of the changes to 10 are around stuff like image management, uploading to facebook etc rather than actual function or processing improvements. In fact, i only got 9 because it came super cheap with a new laptop, and I don't think i use anything in it that i didn't have in the v7 i had previously!
I'm still using Elements 3 :eek:. I have a copy of 8 but haven't got round to installing it.....