elements question :)

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hello everyone,can someone point me in the right direction regarding adjustment layers,I want to effect the brightness of a specific/single layer,but when I get up an adjustment layer of brightness it effects ALL the layers,is it possible to just adjust a single layer using elements 11 ? any help kindly appreciated
If memory serves me right, hold down your ALT button and click on the dividing line between your adjust layer and the layer you want adjusted in your layers panel on the rifght hand side of your screen. Your curser should change into a broken looking arrow and the adjustment layer will move slightly to the right. Only the layer underneath this adjustment should now be affected. I think thats right
If memory serves me right, hold down your ALT button and click on the dividing line between your adjust layer and the layer you want adjusted in your layers panel on the rifght hand side of your screen. Your curser should change into a broken looking arrow and the adjustment layer will move slightly to the right. Only the layer underneath this adjustment should now be affected. I think thats right

Your memory is correct.