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Just been testing out my new Tamron 55-200mm and have taken some close up shots of 2 of my 1/6th scale figures. I shot them on my dining table and used a mirror to reflect the dimmed room light onto their faces.
Still getting used to the manual focusing as im using a D40 but I don't think I did too badly.
The shots are straight out of the camera and have only been cropped a bit.

Any advice would be welcome.



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Wow, they'rer different! Before I read your actual post I had no idea that they were figures and thought they were human beings dressed up! Like these a lot... very moody. I'd have been tempted to post them in the portraits forum! Brightened up my morning, thanks. :)
Wow, they'rer different! Before I read your actual post I had no idea that they were figures and thought they were human beings dressed up! Like these a lot... very moody. I'd have been tempted to post them in the portraits forum! Brightened up my morning, thanks. :)
I thought they were actual people too...nice job! :)
They look fantastic.
I`m new to DSLR photography and its great to be given ideas of what you can achieve
very nice... really like the first one, and did not realise they were models until I read the post.
Thanks everyone (y)

Its a simple effect but I think it works very well. Just goes to show what a little thought and not a lot of kit can do :LOL:

BrettHope - Its all about experimenting mate, its great fun and you learn at the same time.
I thought these were full size portraits :LOL: great shots ;)
Very good indeed, great shots.
Outstanding they have an atmosphere to them that reflects the mood of the film. I would never have guessed that they were models.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the positive comments (y)