Eos 6d Owners Thread!

Managed to have a little play around with the camera when I got home... my god it's small and light! I think it must way about 50% less than my 5D MK III & 7D! Bit of a problem actually as with the 70-200mm lens I plan on using it with it ends up quite unbalanced.

I think thats one of the things I love about my 6D...its a nice size but any bigger and it would have been too bulky for me. Very similar to my 50D but even lighter (y)
I think thats one of the things I love about my 6D...its a nice size but any bigger and it would have been too bulky for me. Very similar to my 50D but even lighter (y)

Yeah I think with the prime lens I could use it as a general walk around body as it's so light.

Might take a little while to get used to the 70-200mm on it though but I'm sure I will
The 6D is coming more into my thinking. Was originally planning to get a 5Diii but as i dont need the sophisticated af, then i'm struggling to justify the extra expense.
Just need to get my post number up now so i can sell my 5Dmarkii in the classifieds!
Haha without a doubt... poor thing will be gathering dust until I sell it now (y)

Not my 7D, it has so far still seen more use than the 6D, probably because at the time I was visiting quite a few zoos / wildlife parks and I am keeping the 7D for that aspect of my photography. Actually I sling both round my neck when at a zoo / wildlife park, 6D/24-105 for anything close or wide and 7D/70-300 for the rest (majority). Although this wasn't the intention when I bought the 6D as I bought it for its low light ability.
Managed to have a little play around with the camera when I got home... my god it's small and light! I think it must way about 50% less than my 5D MK III & 7D! Bit of a problem actually as with the 70-200mm lens I plan on using it with it ends up quite unbalanced.

Anyway stuck my 50mm f/1.4 prime on and took a few shots of the dog to test it out... I'm liking what I see!

Get a battery grip , balances it beautifully
Yeah I was considering this tbh. I'll see how I get on with it at the wedding I'm shooting on Sunday first as might just take a little getting used to, but if it's still feeling odd I'll get a grip (so to speak lol)

I'm using my 6d with the 24-70mm mk1 lens which is heavy , I have the battery grip and the E1 hand strap which is a brilliant combination , feels fantastic to handle :D
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I'm using my 6d with the 24-70mm mk1 lens which is heavy , I have the battery grip and the E1 hand strap which is a brilliant combination , feels fantastic to handle :D

Yeah I might just need to add a little weight and bulk to the 6D when shooting with the long lens... i'll see how I get on though as think the wife will kill me if I buy anything else in the forseeable future :D
I'm shooting 95% of my time with the 6D now. I sold my 60D after a trip to Oz where I found the noise performance at ISO1600 and above to be too poor. In order to get detailed images with acceptable noise, I needed to downsize my images...which made them just a little bit bigger than a 6D image cropped down. Even then the 6D images at 1:1 were cleaner!

Obviously this won't hold true for lower ISOs, but I generally need reach when chasing wildlife, and wildlife tends to move at a pace. Which means higher shutter speeds, which often means higher ISO settings.
Screen Protectors - Has anyone put a screen protector on their 6D?

I used to have a glass one on my 450d which was great, then I had film ones on the 2 screens on my 60d (I used film protectors because of the rotating back screen).

I initially looked for something for mine. However after reading how easy it is to change the plastic cover on the back and how cheap it is, I'm not gonna bother. Might as well let it do its job and change it when it breaks!


a few quick photos of my newborn daughter on my 6D:

Great new born pics. Wish I spent more time taking snaps like that when mine was born..mine are more like candid shots. Nothing memorable just more of a record of how they look each day.
Hello 6d owners.
I am wanting to buy the 6d. I have recently bought a 7d after owning a 450d for 3 years (first dslr). Anyways the 7d kept showing an error code within a day or so and again every few days.I have sent the camera back and am awaiting a refund.
I have since been to a camera shop and had hold of the 6d and it felt just great so I am wanting one.
I am no expert and just take photos for fun of things that catch my eye.
Trouble is I only own 2 lenses that would fit the 6d. The Ef 50mm 1.8 mark ii and the Ef 28mm 1.8 usm.
I was just going to buy the body and take it from there but I am now thinking maybe it would be wise to buy the kit with the 24-105L as that lens is discounted by £100. You cant buy it at any other time for less even second user sales are dearer.
Plus am I right in thinking it's a good all rounder and would be a good move, I wouldnt want to go and buy it later.
I have a sigma 10-20mm that I could sell and the cheaper Canon 55-250 mm
Just thinking you people may be able to shed some light on this for me.

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One thing I missed coming back to a DSLR from my micro-4/3 was the articulated viewfinder. I love holding the camera lower or higher than normal eye level.

Then I realised today that it was almost as easy to do it with the 6D and wifi to my iPhone.

A couple of quick snaps while walking the dog today. Camera held low in one hand, iPhone in the other. Not particularly great photography, but just to give ideas!


(Oh and these are just the JPEGs without any processing, sent home by iPhone while still in the wood :) )
Hello 6d owners.
I am wanting to buy the 6d. I have recently bought a 7d after owning a 450d for 3 years (first dslr). Anyways the 7d through an error code within a day or so and again every few days.I have sent the camera back and am awaiting a refund.
I have since been to a camera shop and had hold of the 6d and it felt just great so I am wanting one.
I am no expert and just take photos for fun of things that catch my eye.
Trouble is I only own 2 lenses that would fit the 6d. The Ef 50mm 1.8 mark ii and the Ef 28mm 1.8 usm.
I was just going to buy the body and take it from there but I am now thinking maybe it would be wise to buy the kit with the 24-105L as that lens is discounted by £100. You cant buy it at any other time for less even second user sales are dearer.
Plus am I right in thinking it's a good all rounder and would be a good move, I wouldnt want to go and buy it later.
I have a sigma 10-20mm that I could sell and the cheaper Canon 55-250 mm
Just thinking you people may be able to shed some light on this for me.


Get the 24-105 its cheaper together and compliments the 6D perfectly.
Get the 24-105 its cheaper together and compliments the 6D perfectly.

Yeah I love the 24-105mm. Also borrowing a mates 70-200 f4 L. I think that will be my next purchase! Love it!

HDew Cameras have the 6D and 24-105mm for £1579!! Thats a damn good price! Makes the 24-105mm cheaper than second hand prices!
Yeah I love the 24-105mm. Also borrowing a mates 70-200 f4 L. I think that will be my next purchase! Love it!

HDew Cameras have the 6D and 24-105mm for £1579!! Thats a damn good price! Makes the 24-105mm cheaper than second hand prices!

Yeh to wont be disappointed with the 70-200 such a sharp lens. For the money to cant go wrong here are some shots with my 70-200



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Some lovely shots being put up recently. The newborn pics are great.

I have both the 24-105 and the 70-200 F4 and they're both great lens'. The 24-105 has a lot of distortion at the wide and and vignettes quite badly tho, easily sorted in post.
Shot my 1st wedding with the 6D on Sunday and was really impressed with it! It was my 2nd body with a 70-200mm lens attached and the 5D MK III was my main with a 24-70mm.

As a 2nd camera used for candids and close up shots I found the 6D to be top notch... I did find it struggled badly to find focus with the outer points in lower light but I had been expecting this anyway so it wasn't an issue.

IQ is top notch and I can't tell the difference between the 2 bodies at all ISO's used.

I did find that for example when shooting the speeches with a big bright window behind that I could recover the blown areas more with pics from the 5D MK III than the 6D. The 6D I think was able to do slightly better than the 7D in that situation but not as good as the 5D MK III.

Using both together i'd say that as a 2nd camera the 6D is everything I need. As the main body I think i'd get annoyed with it for the focus hunting with the outer points. I tested the difference between the 5D MK III and 6D by using the latter for a shot and then taking the same shot with the former... the 5D MK III locked on instantly with the outer points, whereas the 6D took quite some time. This was in fairly lowish light... I think I was shooting at about ISO 3200, S/S 1/125 & F/2.8. Outdoors and in good light it had no problems.

I also thought it had a slight issue with white balances in comparison to the 5D MK III.

Overall I'm delighted with the camera as it does everything I need and produces fantastic quality images. It has a few issues but is light years ahead of the 7D I was using in terms of everything but the focussing IMO. Really glad I took the plunge
I did find that for example when shooting the speeches with a big bright window behind that I could recover the blown areas more with pics from the 5D MK III than the 6D. The 6D I think was able to do slightly better than the 7D in that situation but not as good as the 5D MK III.

Interesting to read this, most of the reviews/specs I've seen say the 6D has more dynamic range than the 5Dmk3. 12.1 EV(6D) vs 11.7 EV(5Dmk3)

Just goes to show that real life tests are more revealing than the spec sheet or standard issue reviews.
Interesting to read this, most of the reviews/specs I've seen say the 6D has more dynamic range than the 5Dmk3. 12.1 EV(6D) vs 11.7 EV(5Dmk3)

Just goes to show that real life tests are more revealing than the spec sheet or standard issue reviews.

Hmm that is a little odd... I wonder if anyone else has noticed this too?
Some lovely shots being put up recently. The newborn pics are great.

I have both the 24-105 and the 70-200 F4 and they're both great lens'. The 24-105 has a lot of distortion at the wide and and vignettes quite badly tho, easily sorted in post.

Get the 24-105 its cheaper together and compliments the 6D perfectly.

Yeah I love the 24-105mm. Also borrowing a mates 70-200 f4 L. I think that will be my next purchase! Love it!

HDew Cameras have the 6D and 24-105mm for £1579!! Thats a damn good price! Makes the 24-105mm cheaper than second hand prices!

Thank you all. It seems a no brainer at the price for a good all round lens to get me started.

I use it with a 24-105L 'kit lens'
70-200 f/4
50 f/1.4

They really make me see just how good the 6d is compared to on the 600d I used to use them on.... images are so much cleaner and sharper making full use of the lenses.

You'll love the 24-105 for walking about
I use it with a 24-105L 'kit lens'
70-200 f/4
50 f/1.4

They really make me see just how good the 6d is compared to on the 600d I used to use them on.... images are so much cleaner and sharper making full use of the lenses.

You'll love the 24-105 for walking about

That will be my ideal realistic lens lineup. (y)
They are all spot on lenses on the 6d :)

Sorry about the quality (facebook JPEG resampling):



50 1.4


excuse the poor examples, hi-res versions are very good quality and the amount of stops of light you can increase/reduce in post is amazing!
Thank you so much for posting the samples.They look great.

I have had my 6D for about a month now and love it, it feels really solid compared to my 450D the controls are very intuitive and the wifi has
proved useful on quite a few occasion for reviewing or live view on my tablet. My main concern was over the focusing issues voiced by other users, but
generally shooting portraits or landscapes I didn't worry. On an early morning trip looking for barn owls the centre focus point was excellent and kept up
with a barn owl in flight at fairly low light.

Owl 4 Resized by Nogbad-the-Bad, on Flickr

I write a blog about my photo adventures including the hunt for Barn Owls which is linked below if anyone is interested.


Critique and comment about the shot very welcome as this is my first attempt at birds in the wild.

Cheers Chris
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