Everyone switching to Canon ....

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A while back the bloke on YouTube who used to be called the Nikon guy switched to cannon and now I just read Scott kelby is also switching to cannon for various reasons...... Is Nikon a sinking ship or something?
I'd also suspect a bit of sponsorship, but also, not all cameras are optimal for all uses. I guess that for some purposes, Nikon has better offers, for other purposes Canon has a better offer in its portfolio.
I didn't know kelby had switched until I read this John. Then I found this which might be worth a view:-


I think it's great that folks switch to Canon. It means lots of great kit on the second-hand market and will force Nikon to push themselves harder.

In Kelby's case I suspect Canon gave him everything he wanted. Not something the average Joe will experience.
I don't think Nikon have to up their game at all. They make great cameras as do Canon. A few guys swapping is no big deal really. Its hardly likely to make anyone think, I need to use what he's using.

Andy Rouse has changed back and for several times but if I had a Nikon D4 I wouldn't feel the need to buy a 1DX.

Having said that a friend has recently chopped in a big Nikon set up and gone to Canon. D4 and several lenses, flashguns etc including 300 f2.8 and 500 f4 for 1DX and similar.

He wasn't happy with Nikons servicing and warranty performance.
Call me cynical but if you run a gear based website you'll get more traffic if you're Canon related than Nikon based as there are more hobbyists using Canon gear.
Iirc, Matt Granger didn't swap, it was because he was starting to do more tutoring and needed a more versatile line up to include some of the other popular brands so when people turned up with a Canon or Sony he wasn't left standing there scratching his head with regards to menu's and settings shortcuts etc. He's also started doing alot more reviews and there is only so many times you can review the same camera...
So almost nobody is switching to canon then apart from some YouTube guy and someone who was brought off

I'm sure Nikon are sweating
"Why I switched to Canon"

a few months later

"Why I switched back to Nikon"

Titles like those generates page views and money for internet celebs. Nothing to do with which brand is better than the other.
mission accomplished, just the fact its generating chat. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, it just doesn't matter, all of them will create awesome shots in the right hands.
Dont worry everyone (because I know you would otherwise), im not switching to Canon. I dont want to have to change my forum name to Canon_Nick....:mooning:
I doubt it means anything to either brand. IIRC there was another thread a couple of weeks ago, claiming that Canon was dieing out because they have invested as much time as others in CSC.
I think all this shows is that maybe Canon are going back to focusing on enthusiasts and pro's and letting the others fight it out for the consumer market

It's an irrelevant decision about an irrelevant topic.

Now we just have to wait for the CSC guys to join in to tell us why these people are still making the wrong decisions.:meh: :indifferent:
I doubt there are as many people switching to Canon for the 1Dx and 200-400mm with the 1.4x built in as there were jumping the Canon ship back in 2008 due to the 1D MkIII focus issues driving people to the the new Nikon D3 (giving FF for the first time and high ISO) and their at the time unique 200-400mm.

I did the same, and whilst there were Nikon incentives to trade in Canon kit for pros out there, and I understand the reverse is in place now, I sold mine privately - made more than the trade in and paid for every Nikon item I bought - the benefit was in having it all taken off you and an immediate replacement in your hands rather than the 2 weeks it took me to offload and re-stock. Very few people get their kit completely paid for them - certainly not in the Nikon camp. As a Nikon user now for 5 years (and having been a Canon user for 20) I personally wouldn't switch back - there simply isn't enough of a gap, or a major technical issue that means that I'm concerned about the quality of my images, or my ability to do the job as there was with the 1D MkIII.

Canon are picking off some high profile names with Andy Rouse being a case in point. Andy shoots amazing images on either kit because of his skills as a wildlife photographer - but it wasn't unexpected when it happened - you could see the noise building for a while, and the posturing and I'd say he has achieved what he set out to - as well as Canon. I would be more worried if Joe McNally, Bill Frakes or Cliff Mautner switched - die hard Nikon shooters, not serial switchers, or people reliant on web traffic to drive their income.

If I was starting from scratch TODAY I'd be going Canon for the 1Dx, and the lighter super-telephotos albeit at a significant price premium to the Nikon equivalents. That said in 2 months time there will be a D4s which should be a strong match or more likely better the 1Dx, and likely that there will be a replacement of the 400mm+ lenses soon with lighter glass and technology - so the pendulum will swing back. Nikon a sinking ship - not a chance, ebb and flow of the tide.....

I'm hoping a few more do switch - I'd love a few more lenses and high end bodies on the second-hand market :D
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I saw the Scott Kelby video last night, and couldn't help but think he came across as a bit of a tool, going on about the sound of the Canon shutter release sounding better! WTF?? He's not even real photographer, he's an Adobe PS Ambassador or whatever they call them.

Seriously this is all about Internet celebs getting sponsorship from canon, and website hits. He even said that this topic has generated more comments on his site than any other.
I personally like Scott Kelby, but let's be honest, Canon sponsoring them had a huge influence on his decision to change systems. He still likes the sound of the Nikon shutter though :cool:

Wouldn't agree that he's not a real photographer, his portfolio is excellent and he certainly knows how to shoot american football.

Surprised this issue generated most comments, on his website, I would have thought the recent merged of Kelbytraining and NAPP did that!

Still think the smilie, :nikon: , will be available for a while yet.
No nikon are fine. Its just canon offer to kit alot of pros out and nikon dont. Also canon is a bigger company so there market share should be bigger. Does this mean there better? No. The d800 is arguably the best body at the minute. So nikon must be doing something right. Nikon shot its self in the foot a little by trying to replace every lens with a mk2 or afs. This has put people off as there is still no clear L series
I saw the Scott Kelby video last night, and couldn't help but think he came across as a bit of a tool, going on about the sound of the Canon shutter release sounding better! WTF?? He's not even real photographer, he's an Adobe PS Ambassador or whatever they call them.

Seriously this is all about Internet celebs getting sponsorship from canon, and website hits. He even said that this topic has generated more comments on his site than any other.

I couldnt tell you what sound my shutter makes as when im out I very often have headphones in haha.

And if there going to canon ill defo shoot nikon, im not a sheep and never once thought im missing something.... oo its a canon badge thats why my photos arent perfect lol
A while back the bloke on YouTube who used to be called the Nikon guy switched to cannon and now I just read Scott kelby is also switching to cannon for various reasons...... Is Nikon a sinking ship or something?

Matt Granger (That Nikon Guy) hasn't switched to canon, he just bought a canon body and still uses his Nikon gear. The reason he isn't called That Nikon Guy anymore is because he doesn't want to be pigeon-holed as Nikon fanboy.
I don't think Nikon have to up their game at all. They make great cameras as do Canon. A few guys swapping is no big deal really. Its hardly likely to make anyone think, I need to use what he's using.

Andy Rouse has changed back and for several times but if I had a Nikon D4 I wouldn't feel the need to buy a 1DX.

Having said that a friend has recently chopped in a big Nikon set up and gone to Canon. D4 and several lenses, flashguns etc including 300 f2.8 and 500 f4 for 1DX and similar.

He wasn't happy with Nikons servicing and warranty performance.

I think Nikon do need to up their game. Lens releases over the last couple of years have been odd at best. Was the new 58mm 1.4 really the lens they felt most of us wanted? We've been crying out for a new 135/2 for ages but instead they come up with that. Meanwhile Sigma are releasing as good or better primes at much lower prices. In terms of bodies the D4 hasn't proven itself to be a huge leap over the D3s with some going back to the D3s after buying the D4. And the new Df - I honestly think Nikon could have put more investment into improving their pro line-up than that, camera which I still don't know who it's aimed at and is odd mix of the old and the new. The D4s is on the horizon and I'm really, really hoping it's a cracker.

Much like mike above, I switched to Nikon from Canon just over 5 years ago. The main reason for me was Nikon's superiority in low light. Thankfully I still think Nikon has the upper hand here. FWIW Kelby switching to Nikon doesn't bother me in the slightest, I certainly don't admire him in the way I do some of the guys Mike mentioned. But I do hope it bothers Nikon.
Whilst a top spec body is going to get you shots that you'd miss with other bodies the skill of the photographer behind the camera is really what it's about. Their knowledge of their subject, their anticipation will generally give them an edge.

In the real world who cares if a 1DX shades a D4 or wether the new D4 will shade the 1DX. They both are, or will be, superb cameras and far more capable than the majority of people using them.
Whilst a top spec body is going to get you shots that you'd miss with other bodies the skill of the photographer behind the camera is really what it's about. Their knowledge of their subject, their anticipation will generally give them an edge.

In the real world who cares if a 1DX shades a D4 or wether the new D4 will shade the 1DX. They both are, or will be, superb cameras and far more capable than the majority of people using them.

I'm not really bothered about how a D4 compares to a 1Dx. I'm bothered about how a D4s compares to a D4 compares to a D3s etc etc..
A while back the bloke on YouTube who used to be called the Nikon guy switched to cannon and now I just read Scott kelby is also switching to cannon for various reasons...... Is Nikon a sinking ship or something?
Well, ctein do call my D800 for a boat anchor...

But can't really be less interested in, who uses what and why... isn't it all down to personal taste?

First time I went out to decide which one to get years ago, I was handed out a Nikon D90 and the Canon equivalent, can't remember the name... but what did it for me, was the grip and feel.
Found that my hand size simply fitted much better on the Nikon.

Guess I could have been a Canon guy today, if it was the other way around....
A while back the bloke on YouTube who used to be called the Nikon guy switched to cannon and now I just read Scott kelby is also switching to cannon for various reasons...... Is Nikon a sinking ship or something?
He also recently bought the Nikon DF, I think he just likes camera's, if I had the money I'd have both, :nikon::)
Well, ctein do call my D800 for a boat anchor...

But can't really be less interested in, who uses what and why... isn't it all down to personal taste?

First time I went out to decide which one to get years ago, I was handed out a Nikon D90 and the Canon equivalent, can't remember the name... but what did it for me, was the grip and feel.
Found that my hand size simply fitted much better on the Nikon.

Guess I could have been a Canon guy today, if it was the other way around....

Yes that is exactly what happened to me and with the same cameras... I to loved the feel etc of the Nikon and went for the D90
Both manufacturers make quality products that are equally hi-tech, and equally capable.

Most amateurs start out with one brand or another, then stick with it because their collection lenses and accessories remain compatible when upgrading to a higher spec camera. Unless of course going from a crop to a full sensor, when crop sensor lenses would no longer be usable.

Going way back (1960's) when I started out with 35mm SLRs, I chose Canon, but it could just have as easily been Nikon. Six of one, and a half dozen of the other in my book.

When the time came to move to digital, I decided to stay with Canon, as they had always produced the results that I expected, and never let me down. Again, I'm sure it would have been no different had I chosen to go with Nikon.

Once into Digital, and the progression of upgrades that followed (EOS 300D, EOS 30D, EOS 7D, and now EOS 5D Mklll), plus a growing collection of L series lenses, and Speedlites, a change to Nikon would be financial stupidity, and for what?, a product of equal quality and performance.

There are many amateur photographers that will go on about Nikon being better than Canon, or visa-versa, because that's what they own.

In some photography clubs, there can be a bit of 'brand snobbery', which is both pathetic and childish.

The 'bottom line' is that for some 50+ years I have enjoyed owning and using Canon cameras, and I'm sure it would have been no different had I gone down the Nikon route.

I'm not really bothered about how a D4 compares to a 1Dx. I'm bothered about how
a D4s compares to a D4 compares to a D3s etc etc..

I was posting in relation to the thread title. I don't care either. I shoot canon for no other reason than that's what I've always had.
scott kelby's more of a blogger and workshop teacher than a working snapper tbh.....

mission accomplished, just the fact its generating chat. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, it just doesn't matter, all of them will create awesome shots in the right hands.


real photographers couldnt give a stuff what they use, whatever it is gives them the image they're seeing in their head. The number of exhibitions i've gone to over the years and not one single image ever had a sticker next to it saying what body and lens was used.
I switched from Canon to Nikon, because currently the D600/D800 beat the Canons in terms of DR and color depth. For what I'm doing, those two are important values. If I were a sports photographer, I'd be thinking about a Canon. Or an E-M1 (10 fps I hear) :)