Farne islands

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Went on a photography workshop the other day over to the farnes and what a day me and my fionce had.
Only bugger is after getting home and looking at all my shots i realised that i really should have cleaned my sensor :bang:
Anyway here are a couple of shots i took.
All c&c is appretiated (y)




Impressed with the Tern shot.

18mm focal length - you must have been close.
They're all absolutely superb! Well played.

I'm really impressed with your results using the D80 70-300mm combo.

I'm sure you can touch out the sensor dust too!

Impressed with the Tern shot.

18mm focal length - you must have been close.

Thanks very much :)
He was very close =). It was attacking my head and camara when i was taking all my shots.
Brave little buggers haha and very sharp beaks
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They're all absolutely superb! Well played.

I'm really impressed with your results using the D80 70-300mm combo.

I'm sure you can touch out the sensor dust too!


Thanks very much.
Ive had the d80 for some time now and although many would consider it a low budget dslr i have to say its a brilliant camara for starting out with.
However i am hopeing to move onto the d300s in the not to distant future.... if the misses will allow it of course ;)
However i am hopeing to move onto the d300s in the not to distant future.... if the misses will allow it of course ;)

That's exactly the move I've just made! Had the D80 for two years and my D300s just arrived a couple of days ago :) (I also had to seek approval! :LOL:)

You're absolutely right - there's nowt wrong with the D80. It did me proud! I have an exhibition up at the moment - all shot with the D80.

Your images prove that you can get brilliant results from it as well. Again - congrats! Great work. :clap:
That's exactly the move I've just made! Had the D80 for two years and my D300s just arrived a couple of days ago :) (I also had to seek approval! :LOL:)

You're absolutely right - there's nowt wrong with the D80. It did me proud! I have an exhibition up at the moment - all shot with the D80.

Your images prove that you can get brilliant results from it as well. Again - congrats! Great work. :clap:

Good stuff well i hope it was well worth the buy.
and i look forward to seeing some of your future images.
Love #3 in particular!

There are a couple of dust spots in #2 and 3 that could easily be fixed. Other than that, excellent work!
Thanks for all your comments so far.

For those who have not yet been, start saving the pennies because although busy its still well worth a visit.
Awesome set. I'm off there in August I hope, this is a very nice tempter for me (y)
Nice enough photos, but isn't photography on the Farnes something akin to shooting fish in a barrel?

Well ive never shot fish in a barrel and without an under water camara i think getting a good shot would still prove to be difficult :LOL: but no seriously now, you are spoiled choice on the farnes but puffins are actually quite a hard subject to photograph when in flight and so are the turns. At least i think so anyway :)
Very nice - love that Tern shot! Was it cropped at all? :)

Not cropped at all. i used my 18-135mm wide angle lens and i just fired away as it was attacking my camara and head. Its not nice having a turn stoop at your face haha
Well ive never shot fish in a barrel and without an under water camara i think getting a good shot would still prove to be difficult :LOL: but no seriously now, you are spoiled choice on the farnes but puffins are actually quite a hard subject to photograph when in flight and so are the turns. At least i think so anyway :)

Well done for remaining polite in response to that comment! :cool: ;)
Well done Glenn - I weht a couple of weeks ago and it ain't that easy

especially the puffins in flight



Thanks mate. Its a great place isnt it though pretty busy. Feel free to pop some of your pics ups. would like to see some of them (y)
Cheers mate.. Im just hear to share photos and talk to people that share this same interest, not to rattle any cages :)


I went to the Farne Islands a while back. Only had a 70-200mm lens and was just on a short, touristy trip but I still got one or two nice shots. I've not finished processing them yet but here's one decent example:


Would love to go back and do the proper photography trip (armed with a teleconverter!). I'll definitely be back in Northumberland at some point anyway. It was such a great holiday!
Great set Glen, looks like you had canny weather, Was the Ringed Plover nesting close to the landing area ?

I went to the Farne Islands a while back. Only had a 70-200mm lens and was just on a short, touristy trip but I still got one or two nice shots. I've not finished processing them yet but here's one decent example:


Would love to go back and do the proper photography trip (armed with a teleconverter!). I'll definitely be back in Northumberland at some point anyway. It was such a great holiday!

I like that. love the way you have caught some of the iradesence on the birds back and a nice sharp eye. (y)
Great set Glen, looks like you had canny weather, Was the Ringed Plover nesting close to the landing area ?

Thanks mate. had great weather though i got burnt to a crisp, however well worth it haha. The ringed plover was on the second island i went on and as you say, he was there ner the docks. Only spotted him just before i got on the boat so nearly missed him :D