Fell Race


Seriously Likeable
KIPAX Lancashire UK
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First proper go at a fell race.. Well first time I have had time anyway. i usualy have to do start and end of race.. not much scope.. This time there was good positions near the end so I was pretty sure i could get first half dozen places..

So i set out to find good backgrounds....running sports arn't my cup of tea as all get a bit samey.. but this is the first running job I actualy enjoyed :)






I;m no expert. (I know this is your job) I have only ever took photos of my better half at charity running events and although my photos were ok they were no way near as crisp and clear as these.

Nice set, Tony. Gives a real feel for the event.
Excellent. #3 is ace - which race was it? (Pendle??)

I've tried two races now as a total newbie* (Tigers Todger and Burbage Skyline), and I concentrated on finding a position where the runners were likely to be flat out (ie downhill). I didn't think of getting a great background first so I ended up with lot of samey pics.

These are a real inspiration, I'll try harder next time!

(* I mean as a newbie "sports photographer", not a runner!)
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Cheers.. yeagh pendle.. I dont like race jobs..as you say samey samey.. i also got them flat out coming down the big hill at end.. boring :) I usualy get a big start and then runners coming through the finish.. but went for backgrounds this time... was quite pleased..

PS #5 was my faveroute :)
good set and are varied enough to make you want to view more. I prefer the shots without any sky
Number 4 and 3 for me.

Think 'man opening gate' is a bit dull personally. I think number 2 would benefit from being shot wider to show of what looks like some fantastic scenery in the background. Personally for me i'm not a huge fan of the washed out sky in number 6 but like the way you have shot from a lower angle to the runner.

Definitely nicer, cleaner shots than the standard group ones you see around!

blown out sky on six is awful know its a problem but a better spot could be found