Female Portrait

Hi Tom, just had a look at the blog and it's a consistent set of images, good to see some familiar locations around Manchester as well. :) Only thing I'm not too keen on is the position of the catchlight in her eyes, it's a little bit too low for my liking, but other than that nice work.
Nice pic Tom! Only thing i would say about the above pic is that the eyes look a little oversharpened to me....

The set as a whole is very good too - i like the B+W ones more than the colour....
Thanks guys,

The catchlight in her eyes - that's reflector. Next time I'll try to do something about it in PS :)

About oversharpening the eyes, well it might be due to resizing because on full size it looks better. Other think is I've not done that much of sharpening on her eyes.

Thanks again
I much prefere this b+w version than the one in colour.... Took a liking to a few in the blog as well - the champagne & glasses on the beach (y)
I'd like it if I could figure out what that pale thing plastered to the side of her head is ...?
I love the eyes, mouth, hand and cuff.
I'd like it if I could figure out what that pale thing plastered to the side of her head is ...?
I love the eyes, mouth, hand and cuff.

Look on the blog link from the 1st post it shows this picture & more in colour an also what it is - as far as I could make out it's like a headband thingy but not - Im no designer nor hairdresser so I dont know the techie term for it :confused:
Fascinator, I think is the correct term.

Thought it was something like that.... Didn't want to make a pr477 of myself by saying somthing else :LOL:
That reminds me of going into a "Coast" shop : our baby was trying to nick some fluffy headband thingies ... the assistant told me they were called "fascinators".
So thanks for the reminder.