Fickle Welsh weather.

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Hi all,

some shots from a couple of hours I managed to get out for on Sunday. Location is Aberfraw on Anglelsey. Can you believe all these were taken within a couple of hours! Changes quick round these parts.



Top photos. Lovely composition .Number 2 is definitely my favourite with comparison of the spray of cloud and sea.
Thanks chaps.

No filtering on 1 and 2 Tony, but some exposure blending on 1, but both are vertical stitches of two shots (bracketed on 1), hence the square format. .6 hard grad on number 3.
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That's a nice set of images. I particularly like #3. You've captured some really great detail in the foreground rocks which lead the eye into the picture.
1 & 2 are my favs, both very dramatic & striking, extrodinary composition in all 3 but afraid 1 & 2 do it for me...! Amamzing sky & the colours are so vivid!! Great work, we may all hate british weather at times, but some of it can't half be a photographers best friend at times!


Thanks everyone. I suppose the 'four seasons in a day' comes in handy for photography sometimes.:)
2 & 3 are excellent. No1 just doesn't seem to work for me, but there again, maybe its because the other 2 blow the first one away (y)
1 & 2 for me, 1 especially :clap:, I'm never around when the weather's interesting :(
These are a really good set. I think No2 edges it for me.
Nice shots - the weather is what makes the UK such a great place for landscape photography, boring blue sky all the time just wouldn't be the same - the weather also makes it that bit more frustrating sometimes too though:bang:
