Field, Sun, Clouds....

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Not the most imaginitive of titles I grant you. :)

Haven't done that many landscapes recently so it was nice to get out this evening, didn't have a location in mind which is a bit of a no no. The sky was great though. We're heading up to Harris soon so hopefully get some scorchers up there, fingers crossed!

Anyway, thoughts always greatly appreciated.

Thats gorgeous, must admit this is my favourite ive seen on here in a while. really grabs me. The only thing i'd point is maybe try cloning out the jet vapour trails in the top left.
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Nice shot, has a kind of harvest feel, a warm glow.
Lovely image, should be hanging on a wall somewhere.
were any filters used? and if so what were they if you dont mind me asking?

Lovely shot!
That is a stunning shot, the lighting is just so gorgeous in that one.
It's pictures like those when I wish I can master the art of HDR. :naughty:
I clicked the thread almost wishing I hadn't, expecting another yellow field, bright blue sky and white clouds.

That is just brilliant, great use of great light and I bet it gets better as you go bigger too. :clap:
I really like the lower half, but find the sky a little too dark and heavy for my liking - especially on the right hand side. Removing about 1/2 of it balances things a lot better for me.
Super, great elements right across it and I think the tiny (I didn't notice them till I read the replies) jet vapour trails add intrigue.

Thanks for the comments guys, I've been away from the comp for a few days so it's always nice to come back and see what people think.

The sky was really dark and menacing and I didn't want to blow it out (easy to do as the sun is in shot) as I thought it was the main element in the pic, so I kept it under control with a 3 stop grad.

I think the changeable weather we are having at the moment is great for shots, especially around 8-9 o'clock in the evening. Risky though as you could get caught in a downpour!
I don't mind the vapour trail. In fact, I like it the way it doesn't 'touch' any cloud and brings your attention to the blue in the top right. Loving the long shadows to the left.

The only thing I don't like is the dead tree to the right which 'connects' the land with the sky and it detracts from the foreground on that side. Too much to clone and cropping would spoil the excellent balance the shot has. Chainsaw anyone?
Wonderful capture. I do love the forground grass bathed in that golden light. Nice job.