Film camera's for sale - pricing help or....

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I have a friend who has dug out some old cameras and wants to sell them if they are worth anything, or find a good home.
Maybe you can help with pricing up, or suggest where to go or know of a place that will use and appreciate them..?
They are a Nikon F65 with 28-100mm lens,
A Minolta XG1 with 28mm f2.8, a 50mm f2 and a 70-210 f4
A Suntax 9800T flash.
All in fair to good condition
Are they worth anything at all ?
Any ideas who might use them ?
Grant - Neither I or he have any idea of their value.
If you have any idea, please suggest away !!
The main idea is to find a good home, not make the most money, but as he has asked me to try to find out, then it is only fair to try to get a reasonable price..