film supplier in London?

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Off up to the lakes at the weekend and realised im out of 5x4 slide. Silverprint want £90 for a box! knickers to that. Does anyone know of a supplier in London that might be a bit cheaper? Its too late to order online. Slide seems to have gone up in price recently.
That's about the going rate I'm afraid. Even Maco are about that.

I nearly bought some for half that on ebay but procrastinating I missed it.
Y'know, I fannied about for hours the other night looking for the best deal on some 12x16 RC, some 12x16 Warmtone RC, a 5 pack of FP4 and a 5 pack of Delta 400, out of the 10 internet shops I compared, there wasn't more than a couple of quid difference between the cheapest and the dearest, they all vary but the final total inc shipping wasn't worth a fart, SliverPrint walked it in the end just for being totally reliable.
That was a right waste of an evening that was...:)
Well firstcall do it for 70 plus postage which is good but they won't deliver on time. Might just have to bite the bullet

That processuk place do it for 80 which isnt too bad, but they seem to have found the one place in London without a nearby tube!
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firstcall want £27.99 for 5 pack of fuji acros, imaging warehouse want £21.95 for the same thing, I know this cos my A4 hand written spread sheet I wasted my time writing....says
Velvia 100 seems to be generally 90 a box but you can get Provia for about 80

Last time I brought 5x4 it was short dated 100 for 35 a box time before that it was silver print selling 50 sheet boxes for 35

Anyway rather than rubbing salt in Teamwork list Provia at 71.40

Pro centre is about the same as Silverprint as is the already mentioned Process Supplies Calumet is a similar price to Teamwork but looks like they may be out of stock

If you are prepared to by out of date stock MrCad has Provia Exp 12-2013 at 58 or 116 for two boxes

I would suggest ringing any of the above to confirm stock before travelling.
cheers :) i'll give MrCad a ring. Never used ood film before but im sure it will fine.
I'm on my last box of the 50 sheet stuff brought from Silverprint that is dated 08 never had a problem with it.

MrCad also has Porta and Ektar 100 listed but its actually more expensive than the Fuji E6.
mount pleasant processing tend to be very reasonable and helpful but not sure on exact prices really