Filters Question.

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First off apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.

I have a question about filters, for whatever reason filters were never taught to us in university, I no experience with filters as yet.

Basically my question is what are filters and when is the time to use them?

I'm going to hazard a quess and assume filters are basically what the name sake. They filter light in bright light conditions, meaning the light takes longer to reach the sensor.

If this is wrong I'd be really grateful if someone could explain them to me.
There are many types of filter, which all do different things.

First off there are protective filters, which are clear and supposedly just protect your lens from dust and other foreign objects.. This is a can of worms which is guaranteed to start an argument. I personally never use them as they degrade image quality, but others swear by them.

There are ND filters, these come in varying grades which cut light by a certain amount. These are for shooting in bright light at wide apertures, or to do long exposure photography.
There are nd grads which have one part clear and one part nd for landscape work to balance the exposure between the sky and foreground, again they come in different grades.

There are polarising filters which cut reflections in water and deepen the blue in the sky

Plus there are many more creative style filters that do all sorts of things like soft focus, starburst, colour change, Infrared, colour grads etc etc

This might help a little

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