Final edit of my best shot from last year!

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I'm thinking this is as good as it gets PP wise. Critique welcome.

Excellent light and a very nice image overall.

However, I would say that although the PP looks generally OK around the shoreline, the blown/grey sky and funny colour splotches towards the top right detract quite a lot. I'd almost be tempted to crop out the sky and treetops altogether and put the water line on a third to really emphasise the light rays.
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Excellent light and a very nice image overall.
However, I would say that although the PP looks generally OK around the shoreline, the blown/grey sky and funny colour splotches towards the top right detract quite a lot. I'd almost be tempted to crop out the sky and treetops altogether and put the water line on a third to really emphasise the light rays.

I totally agree, it is a cracking photo but blown sky lets it down.
Post a different crop :)
Thanks Tom,
The sky was blown out ( I had no filters with me) so the grey is from pp.
I think it detracts from the composition if you crop the sky out. I was shooting into the Sun so I was always going to have a problem with exposure I think.
Have tried to correct points on which fellow members our going on about, PS you have permission with off with my head if i have offended you?

my tuppence ... close crop to lower braches of trees to reduce the sky and you have cracker matey
I like the 'straight out of camera' version - lovely delicate quality of light.

As you say - the sky is blown so I'd not worry too much about flogging that part. A few slight adjustments to what you 'have' captured would result in fine subtle image.
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I think I much prefer the SOOC shot. With some select D+B and I think you're onto a winner. It's a lovely capture by the way!
very nice imo, re the blown bit of cloud top left, clone in some of the cloud next to it :shrug:
I'm thinking this is as good as it gets PP wise.

Sorry, but to me the best PP is when you don't immediately think 'over processed'. This is just that... over processed... and it kills the image for me.
I think the centre is nice but a little too intense. The left and right parts (particularly the left) though just don't work for's just too blue. I think the sky is probably as good as it can be for the tricky shot into sunlight, perhaps a warm tint in the blown areas would help.
hmmm, lovely image! But a little overprocessed I feel, I also think a tighter crop around the subject which I think are the rays of light surrounding the building on the waters edge might be benefical, as the reflected blob of light in the water I think detracts from the image a little.

I had a quick and dirty edit of the original one to make it the colours less fierce and cropped it a little and dodge and burnt where I can. Emphasis on the crop being to give more height to the skyline/trees and less for the foreground as it accentuates the depth of the rays over the building. Also trying to keep to the subtles of the SOOC raw image shot



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Sorry, but to me the best PP is when you don't immediately think 'over processed'. This is just that... over processed... and it kills the image for me.

Totally agree. It's a great shot without the cocaine.
lovely image, even the raw one.

Some times a picture should be look at on what the camera/you have actually captured, and not soo much on the PP or little bits that are blown etc.

Digital photography is an art to me to, I personally like the over processed look in the right image.

For me, the image is beautiful with or without the 'minor problems'
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You've got an excellent shot there, but don't ruin it by over processing it.
Accept there is nothing you can do with the sky, you were after all shooting straight into the sun.
There looks like lots of information in the RAW file.
Not sure what software you have but try the clarity tool if you have Capture One, does a great job, and don't over saturate the colours, you ruin the natural feel of the pic.
I think you're trying to hard with the pp. I'd keep it subtle, the image has enough interest in it without overcooking it.
Something like this perhaps (slight crop also)?


It might even work as a sepia or cyanotype shot too.
Prefer the original myself - agree with the OTT PP comments on the top version in this thread. It is a great shot though.