Finally - Some Film Shots

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I had to give up photography around 2006/7 following a serious eye injury. I sold off most of my gear and have only lightly dabbled since. A few months ago following an eye test the opthalmist mentioned thst the injury site had now healed. I started rooting around in the basement to see what, if anything I had brought with me to France in 2012. Some of the items were junk, some unusable, but had nostalgic value and amongst the other stuff was Zeiss Contaflex Super with some lenses and other bits and pieces that I had never used. I had bought it in a camera bag just before the injury.

So, I found a roll of expired Fuji 200 and started taking a few photos intending to have them developed and scanned. That was months ago. In the meantime whilst looking for something else I discovered my old Nikon dslr outfit that I thought that I had sold. So the Contaflex shots took a back seat. Today, after a postal round trip of over 2,000km to a lab and back the negatives and CD arrived. So, here are some of my first film shots in 18 years.

Statue made from rubbish. Pro-Tessar 35mm f16 1/60

Chaillac Statue_resize_0.jpg

Ivy & Bokeh Pro-Tessar 35mm f3.2 1/500

Ivy & Bokeh_resize_58.jpg

Close up of flower. Tessar 50mm with Proxar 0.2 close up lens. F5.6 1/500

Close Up Proxar_resize_13.jpg

Blue Boat at St Simeux. Pro-Tessar 115mm f11, 1/125

St Simeux Blue Boat_resize_94.jpg

Pecheries Building, St Simeux Pro-Tessar 115mm f11 1/125

St Simeux Weir Pecheries Buiding_resize_54.jpg
I know it can take a while to finish a roll of film, but that's a bit extreme. :D