Finding the time

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How do you all find the time to juggle your daily life with your photography??

it seems like a silly question, but i have a full time job like I'm sure most of you do and after work I'm down the stables doing the horses then its home make dinner and by the time I'm done usual 9 or later so where do i fit photography in! my days off are filled in horses cleaning cooking shopping and if theres time then i get the camera out, i used to be out with the camera every day and i really do miss having the time to go sit by a river and wait for that perfect dragon fly opportunity or to roam the countryside looking for that killer view!

how do you fit it all in??
My husband and I struggle with this, especially as I have a 9-5 and he works shifts including weekends. A a result, for most of the year my kit just doesn't get used. When we go on holiday we make up for this - our holidays are all about the photography. I enjoy planning a 2-3 week road trip, researching locations etc and we look forward to being up in the middle of the night for astro shots as well as the usual sunrises and sunsets.
Your answer is right there in your question, your primary hobby isn't photography, it's not just your job that sucks up your time, it's your horse. It's a matter of priorities, and the only way to 'find' time is to set goals.

Btw I'm the same, I rarely shoot 'for me' nowadays.
I'm another one who juggles a horse and photography, and I fully understand where you're coming from with regard to the time element (... and i'm retired, so don't have to go to work 9-5...!). But I agree with Phil, it is a matter of priorities. You have 2 time consuming hobbies and very little available time. Unfortunately, you can leave your camera in its bag and not touch it for weeks and it will still be the same when you do get round to picking it up. Not so with the horse, which requires daily attention.

I don't think there is a definitive answer to this dilemma as none of the options are ideal. Put the horses on full livery and pay someone else do the time consuming work; work part time; be less ambitious with your photography and accept that it's just an occasional thing when you have a free hour; if you have 2 or more horses, reduce the number to 1; give up one or the other hobby and concentrate on the one remaining ... none of these are palatable options. So it's just got to be a matter of you deciding on the best use of your time on any given day, and accepting that there are only 24 hours in one day and you can't be in two places at once. Believe me, I fully understand where you're coming from.
For me now it is a big part of my life i tend to take an camera everywhere with me,which is helped by using SCS theses days so the bag in my living room with me and i just pick it as i go out.

But their have been times in my life where it as had to take a back-sit due to other things,when i went from pro to amateur it took a big back sit for a while,in some ways i regret that time,but i don't regret the others things i was doing at the time,except working to many hours.
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Well I don't have a horse, so that immediately gives me more time than the OP. However I do have a full time job, a wife and daughter, and travel abroad with my job quite a bit.

Photographically, my first exhibition opens this weekend, I'm almost ready to re-submit my FRPS panel, I have two websites and a blog I update 2-4 times a month. It is possible to be active photographically, even if you're not actually walking round with a camera - if you look for time you will find it! You have to constantly re-shuffle your priorities and be sensitive to your families needs as well.

A camera goes with me wherever I go on my travels, and whenever I am out with my family. I schedule in a few days a year for my 'serious' photography and either book days off work, or diary it in for a weekend so that my wife and daughter can go and do other stuff.

This is what works (just about) for me, but everyone's personal situation are different.
glad its not just me that is struggling i do only have 1 horse as the other 2 are my mums so i only have to help with them on the 3 days a week she works lol

i have in the past considered cutting hours at work but i have always had a full time job and i used to always work my horses and photography in and have plenty of time for it but i don't know where it all went lol