First attempt at photographing candles

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Hi all,

After seeing Micheal's (scilly puffin) tea light shot for direction in week one of his 52, I was inspired to try it myself. Never tried a shot like this before but that is the beauty of the 52, it really does push you to try something different. Oh forgot to mention that it was taken with my new nifty fifty, it's a great lens isn't it? Really enjoying playing with it! As usual, any comments or suggestions you'd care to make much appreciated.


Hi Carol, what fab photos! Such a simple idea & so effective - would look great on a wall. I'm sooooo going to have to have a go at that myself :)
I really like the idea of this and I think that you've done a great job on the exposure (y) but it's spoilt by the fact that the candles are not totally in line and I'm not sure about the fact that they seem to be angled down to the right look :thinking:

i like that very much. it's another thing to add to my have a go at list.
I agree with Matt, the composition doesn't look right. Great use of DOF though.
Thank you all for your comments.
Now you mention it Matt and Andrew the composition probs could be better; will take that on board when i try again .....and make sure they're straight!

All the best
