First attempt at pp ;0)

#1 I'm not too keen on, the contrast of the sky against the foreground seems very very harsh.

#3, #7 and #10 look like they've been bled of so much natural colour that and the balance weighted towards the lurid green.

#13 could probably do with straightening :)
Theres a lot here

1. Shooting into the sun/light will always lead to this
2. Its ok. Try upping the contrast/structure a bit.
3. You've got every heavy banding in the sky, have you tried to remove all the highlights?
4. You've done something odd with the colours/tint...
5 and 6 are fine
7. You've shot in the direction of the sun. You'll get blown highlights, but you've managed them better and its an ok image
8 is ok
9 isn't ok. I suspect you've tried out HDR or lifted too much shadow detail. Its clear it isn't right. Do what you did with 8.
10. The greens seem a tad strong (look at the trees) but I think its nice
11 and 12. Looking pretty good actually.
13. Way to over exposed.

Don't take these comments the wrong way. Practice makes perfect and its clear even from this set you are able to work on your images, sharpness, noise, definition (bar 2) all seem spot on.
i was expecting some heavy criticism as its my first time with both using filters and lightroom so all comments are very welcome and taken on board ;0) and as ya say its all practise so thanks for ya comments