First attempt with tele-macro

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Hi all, I've being trying out the macro capabilities of my Tamron 70-300 tele-macro.
Here are the two best efforts. I've found focusing really difficult, weather focusing manually or AF.

Any tips greatfully recieved, thanks for looking..


Oooh - the second would be great if it was in focus.

When you get this close I believe manual focus is the only way to go. Takes a bit of practice, but you'll soon get it. (y)
Maybe you are closer than the minimum focus distance of the lens? My 100/400 has a min focus of 1.8 meters.
I agree with Kev. Your lens has a min distance of Just under a meter 37.8in. Keep practicing you'll get there. Were these hand held?
Thanks for the tips, I used a tripod as I find hand holding at 300mm near impossible! I saw a tip on using tele macros on you tube, where you set the lens on max zoom and closest focus, and then the move the camera into the subject. This was the method I used but due to shallow DOF found this difficult.
Think I'll set up
and then focus next time. Does using the flash help things?
Thanks all, Mike.