First attempt.

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This is my first attempt at landscapes and scenery with my new DSLR. A freezing cold last Friday afternoon but a great day for some photos. Some of the pics I'm happy with and others I'm not so sure about.

All these pics were taken within five miles of my house. C+C more than welcome.

1. Sallagh Braes.


2. Sallagh Braes from the coast.


3. Antrim Coast Road.


4. Scawt Hill.


5. Scotland in the background


6. Portmuck

7. Portmuck


8. The Maidens


9. Carnfunnock Country Park.



11. Ailsa Craig (Paddys mile stone)






14. Redundant lighthouse.

Fantastic Captures I Really Like No.1 No.9 No.11 And No.14 Very Sharp And Crisp And Great Colours Very Well Done

Nice set :)
1,2, 4, 12 ,and 14 are my faves. Maybe crop out a little of the sky on number 2?
I love the Co Antrim coast, I think (as anywhere) when you live near something, you can forget just how stunning it is. Looking through a viewfinder can remind you though!
Fantastic Captures I Really Like No.1 No.9 No.11 And No.14 Very Sharp And Crisp And Great Colours Very Well Done


Thanks Kirk. I'm finally starting to get my head round all this DSLR malarky. Hopefully my pics do this coastline justice.

Nice set :)
1,2, 4, 12 ,and 14 are my faves. Maybe crop out a little of the sky on number 2?
I love the Co Antrim coast, I think (as anywhere) when you live near something, you can forget just how stunning it is. Looking through a viewfinder can remind you though!

Cheers EJ. I see what you mean about No.2. Thanks for the tip.

It is all too easy to forget what you are surrounded by especially when you see it everyday. For all that is crap about Larne it certainly is located in a beautiful part of the world :)
Not bad for 1st attempt :) I like No1 also.
Great shots, keep em coming, like the last few with the lovely colours in the sky.
Hi Fergie,

I am new to photography, although I have been 'snapping' for about 2 years.

New to TP, I have not really made much comment on photos as I know I don't have the experience and knowledge to advise people, but what I can offer is my thoughts about a photo.

Wow, you have taken some really stunning photos here, especially as landscape and scenery are more up my street. I couldn't resist taking a look at these gorgeous photos.

Here goes, my thoughts:

2. I can see and proably agree with what was pointed out in a previous comment about cropping out some of the sky, but at the same time I like how the sky colour varies and almost brightens up the picture.

4. I like how you captured the shore at an angle to the rest of the terrain.

5. Personal opinion ..... not too sure about the compostion of this photo, but uncannily every time I look at it, it grows on me :)

9 & 10. Impressed with the similar scene, but with such difference, especially like 10 and how the colour of the peachy/orange colour of the cloud reflects on the water.

12. This has to be my favourite, with all the different bands of colour. Well done (y)

13 & 14 These two photos epitomize the light colours I enjoy capturing and they are stunning.

I have enjoyed looking at these pics and they have been very inspiring. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Look forward to seeing more of your work.

Take care

Hi Fergie,

I am new to photography, although I have been 'snapping' for about 2 years.

New to TP, I have not really made much comment on photos as I know I don't have the experience and knowledge to advise people, but what I can offer is my thoughts about a photo.

Wow, you have taken some really stunning photos here, especially as landscape and scenery are more up my street. I couldn't resist taking a look at these gorgeous photos.

Here goes, my thoughts:

2. I can see and proably agree with what was pointed out in a previous comment about cropping out some of the sky, but at the same time I like how the sky colour varies and almost brightens up the picture.

4. I like how you captured the shore at an angle to the rest of the terrain.

5. Personal opinion ..... not too sure about the compostion of this photo, but uncannily every time I look at it, it grows on me :)

9 & 10. Impressed with the similar scene, but with such difference, especially like 10 and how the colour of the peachy/orange colour of the cloud reflects on the water.

12. This has to be my favourite, with all the different bands of colour. Well done (y)

13 & 14 These two photos epitomize the light colours I enjoy capturing and they are stunning.

I have enjoyed looking at these pics and they have been very inspiring. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Look forward to seeing more of your work.

Take care


Thanks very much for the detailed reply Dawn ;)

I was a bit apprehensive about posting up the pics, due to me thinking they weren't up too much, but a fair few folk enjoyed them so they musn't have been all bad.

This is a very daunting field to step into, especially whenever you see the pics that others are posting, but with plenty of practice and pushing buttons like a man demented I'm sure I can conjure up a few decent pics every now and then.

I'm heading up through the Glens of Antrim tomorrow. Pics will hopefully follow tomorrow.
Hi Fergie,

Have a great trip out tomorrow. Look forward to seeing the pics soon.

Dawn :)