Critique First go at a headshot

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A friend asked me to do some acting head shots for her daughter. Good laugh in the studio trying to remember what to do and pretty pleased with the results. Here is one of the contenders and while it is a nice shot, to me, of a friends daughter I'd like any views from anyone that knows anything about head shot photography. Pointers on crop, background clothing etc all very welcome and I have thick skin
Tabs by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Nice portrait. She might have had a slightly more smiley face, but depends on what you where after...:)
- A bit more of an angle to the collar bone for me.
- Less of a slouch - the shoulders look like they're a bit hunched in.
- I like the contrast between red hair & green top. Works well IMO.
- Eye direction over the camera is a new one for me. I prefer eye contact or looking off into space left or right.
- Makeup is minimal and works well. Composition also looks ok.

It's a good solid headshot in my opinion that would be elevated with a less hunched pose. All the other stuff depends on what you were trying to achieve. Eye contact (or lack of) in particular is a very personal thing and can change an image quite a bit so saying what you did was right or not is very very subjective.
- A bit more of an angle to the collar bone for me.
- Less of a slouch - the shoulders look like they're a bit hunched in.
- I like the contrast between red hair & green top. Works well IMO.
- Eye direction over the camera is a new one for me. I prefer eye contact or looking off into space left or right.
- Makeup is minimal and works well. Composition also looks ok.

It's a good solid headshot in my opinion that would be elevated with a less hunched pose. All the other stuff depends on what you were trying to achieve. Eye contact (or lack of) in particular is a very personal thing and can change an image quite a bit so saying what you did was right or not is very very subjective.
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.