First Go! British GP

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Overall, theyre not too bad for a first go, although some are a little bit loose and could do with some tighter cropping.

#1 could do with clipping a bit off the bottom and also the left hand side of the frame as well as a smidge from the gravel trap at the top.

#2 needs pretty much the same as #1, especially getting rid of that bit of yellow sign.
I'd crop it to remove all of the green run-off area at the bottom of the frame.

#3 as above - get rid of the red & white crash barrier and lose some of the wasted space on the left and the bottom.

#4 could use a little cropping to get rid of the wheels of the stray car at the top left corner.

With #5, there's nothing really interesting in the background making the van and blue scissor lift/crane really distracting, so I would crop a lot tighter to just have the cars in the shot.

The idea of #6 is really neat, but the strange crop doesn't work for me.
Use the original pic but crop to the constraints to get a standard 3x2 image.

Adding to that, the colour balance looks to be out as there appears to be a red/magenta cast across 3, 4 and 5
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All I would say is don't think all circuits are like is a pig of a place to take images :(

Thanks for the comments all.

I have to say it was really tricky to get good shots as every shot seemed to have something in it, like a lampost or cherry picker. This is why I have such an odd crop on the last one - It had a massive pole on the right.

All great tips though, so thanks

I really loved it though!

@RDPhotography - I borrowed my mates Nikon 70-300mm to plonk onto my D40