First go with softbox and off camera lighting

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So got my softbox :D

Not wanting to waste other people's time, only way to learn flash is to take picture of myself and study the images. Ended up with this image:


Playing around with softbox. by wuyanxu, on Flickr

This was the lighting setup. camera was mounted on the tripod by the desk/computer. key lighting to the left of photo, reflector to the right of photo for fill light. With the flash firing, you can see the reflector scattering the light and some ending up on the cupboard doors to the right.

I was standing much closer to the reflector than the softbox to achieve fill light. if standing in the middle, the lighting ratio would be 1:9. standing with reflector almost in the frame, the ratio will be 1:3 here.


Thanks for looking. Was my first go with softbox and properly experiment with off camera lighting. How did I do? :)

(most difficult part is to get the framing correct)
I think it looks good mate. I'm no expert (my set ups are even more cramped than yours), but I think you have done a good job, especially in such a small space with little equipment. Glasses are always difficult as they reflect the glare, but you've got round that quite well, and there aren't any ugly shadows or anything. Could maybe use a touch more fill?