first pics Flowers

Firstly, welcome to the forum!

As for the shots, they are nice and sharp although the second is slightly underexposed. I think they would look better if the flowers were less central.

Hello and welcome to the forum. May I say what lovely photos for a first go but maybe use a lower aperture setting so you have a better depth of field. The flowers are central which is nice if that's what you like but try and experiment a little with having the flowers a little less central,But I really do like them (y)
A very nice start to your journey here
Agree with the previous comments, enjoy experimenting and find out what you like
welcome to the money pit :D

seriously - you're going to love it and a good start with the flower shots.

agree with the others about central, but also in the 2nd, a little bit of the flower is chopped off.

Best advice I can think of, is some adjustments to your composition. i.e. dont shoot everything central, unless you intend to fill the frame, or its on purpose - there is no right and wrong but less central, <will> make the image more appealing.
Hi, everyone, some time ago took this pic what do you think?
PS: Don't want to start a new topic, so, if TS doesn't mind, i post here.
Hi, everyone, some time ago took this pic what do you think?
PS: Don't want to start a new topic, so, if TS doesn't mind, i post here.

Don't be shy about starting your own thread (y)
Pity you never removed the grass over the flower as its nice and sharp with a nice background
I'd clone out the part flower too and maybe got closer to eliminate the red bits in background. it's all about practice and seeing whats in the viewfinder. Good start