First Portrait Attempt

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This is our first attempt at portrait photography using a single flash. I have included the orginal. The cropped version which i prefer and another one which i have tried to clone out the shadows ( abeit not very sucessfully i think).

The wife took the picture and i have tried to PP in elements, we are both rank amatures and very new to photography:LOL:

The picture is of our neice and thought it might make a nice xmas present for her mum framed.

So some constuctive critism and any advice on how to improve the PP asepct of the photo more than welcome.

Any way here goes:


Cropped and cloned

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To get rid of the shadows, have the subject stand further away from the background.

What flash were you using?

Is it adjustable (power settings) in any way?
It was an old philips flash, yes the power setting are adjustable.

We figured out how to remove the shadows further into the "photoshoot" but she was getting a little bored and tired as it was a little improtu.

While we got some other nice images without shadows, but i thought this was the best photo of her and her big brown eyes.

So ideally would like the make the best of this photo
A good way to avoid harsh shadows is to 'bounce' the flash off a wall or ceiling, this also helps to reduce the harshness of the light. Can you rotate the flash head to change the angle of the light?

Using flash is a whole new world of photograph, and worth doing some research on (I've just started this year). The Strobist website has some good material, as does Niel van Niekerk, who has also written a very good (and readable) book on the subject.
If you can't use the flash off-camera, I'd give another vote for bounce flash. You'll see an immediate improvement. If flash unit can't tilt, fashion something out of cardboard and tin foil to reflect it upwards/towards a nearby wall :)
Thanks, yes we used a bounce technique for most of the photos after doing some reading.

Apart from the harsh shadows, I quite like the photo.

Does the crop improve it?
The background is a little distracting for me, maybe just the dull grey instead of white. I'm not sure if that's something that can be fixed in post.
They're nice shots but if its for a present I'd try and arrange a reshoot now you've worked how to better manage the shadows.
thanks steveo,

Would have been nice to have another go, but as mentioned it was an off the cuff "shoot". I dont think we will have chance to redo it before xmas as they live in north cumbria and we are in Liverpool.