Critique First Still Life

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My first still life, need to get more props, ie a plain background, taken with on camera flash, next treat to myself will be a proper flash gun.
Nikon D5100 f4.0 1/60 with 18-55mm kit lens

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To be honest, unless you are using proper, off camera studio flash, I'd try again using daylight and reflectors etc. That's really horrible lighting. On camera flash just makes everything look like a snapshot. Taking the flash OFF camera can help, but is still harsh, contrasty and hard lighting. Firing off camera flash through a diffuser of softbox will start make things look more natural.

Do some research on lighting. This isn't about props. The above image is lit horribly, and no matter what you shoot in the same way, it will still be lit horribly.
I started typing a reply, thought otherwise then decided I would but David beat me to it.
He's summed it up better than I would have.
It's a nice idea but the harsh flash has ruined it.
As David says, try it again with natural lighting, you'll be amazed at how different it will look.
Sorry.. don't mean to be harsh... but you'll never achieve anything worthwhile with the on camera flash.

Don;t look down upon it either.... get a lower, more natural viewpoint. It's meant to be a attractive. You're making it look like a forensic evidence exhibit :)
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Again, have to agree with all the comments above... try and get lower down - shooting almost side on to the bowl and fruit... this ones a bit more "busy" but if you look at the fruitbowl it might give you a couple of ideas...

Vanitas with Globe and Fruit
by The Big Yin, on Flickr
I am presently looking for background materials, black velvet or similar, and also a lighter colour, then I will have another dabble, also got an off camera flashgun at the top of my most wanted list, will be visiting local camera shops his week to see whats on offer flashgun wise, and a material shop for backgrounds.