First time poster!

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Well I've been visiting Talk Photography for some time now, admiring some of the stunning work that gets posted here. Thought it was about time I posted my first photo on here :D

I'm still a complete novice when it comes to dSLR photography but getting braver all the time. Took this when we were on holiday in Porthleven, Cornwall in July last year. Fancied a crack at a nighttime long exposure so we went for a walk down to the harbour wall and I set up with my Gorillapod and remote. After around 20-30 ham fisted attempts I managed to grab one shot that I was happy with:


Well....I was happy with it anyway :LOL: Taken with the stock 18-55mm lens which is all I have until I decide on what I want in a second lens.
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Shooting into the sun is not easy, really tricky actually. Its not the most interesting of images, and I am sure you have better to post later as Cornwall is great.

Welcome to the forum, get posting.

It was a night shot - that's the moon :D

Yeah I think I was more happy with it due to the fact that I managed it in Manual mode which is a scary place for me! :LOL:

I found the hardest part trying to manual focus when it's virtually pitch black - if you've any tips on that it would be much appreciated!
I would say that's the moon Steve :D.

I think the problem you have there John is trying to do a long exposure with a fullish moon, I'm certainly no expert but in my experience taking pictures of the moon, especially near to full, needs a lot quicker shutter speed than you might think. The moon is, although the sky is dark, a very bright subject.

It's a good base to work from though.