First try with the 'Brenizer method'

aha! I found the thread, wondered if there was an open thread on this technique
so here's my attempt, I'm new to the concept but wanted a picture of the missus /aka the mothership

actually I tried this three times, so this is the third pano I stitched together. Then I found the whole thing a little weak so added some clarity and punch to the surroundings
Photoshop had a problem stitching the sky together too so there are missing segments at the top
50mm f1.4 at around f/2 in a FF canon.
any advice?

by DizMatt on Talk Photography
Last edited:
aha! I found the thread, wondered if there was an open thread on this technique
so here's my attempt, I'm new to the concept but wanted a picture of the missus /aka the mothership

actually I tried this three times, so this is the third pano I stitched together. Then I found the whole thing a little weak so added some clarity and punch to the surroundings
Photoshop had a problem stitching the sky together too so there are missing segments at the top
50mm f1.4 at around f/2 in a FF canon.
any advice?

by DizMatt on Talk Photography

I wouldn't say it was too bad at all - a 50mm will get very wide and very distorted very quickly. Much more than say a 85. how much were you over lapping the images and how many?? I usually try to stay around a third. Also are you correcting Lens distortion/vignetting before stitching?
hi, I tried with the 5Dii because it's still a novelty to me!
I will put the 50mm on the 7D which will give me the more of a stretched focal length. The lowest i could go otherwise is f/2.8
Thanks for the blog link, I've read through that, but I thought I'd share a little more and discuss here.
I corrected for vignetting as this looked awful without
Its a good shot and I like the pose of the girl and how she pops out from the environment but the brown 'mush' in the trees spoil it for me.
