Five-spot Burnet Moths

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Five-spot Burnet Moths suddenly appeared in force at my local patch yesterday!






Some lovely takes of a beautifully marked little creature Oy ... (y) ... well taken I say ... :D


Ive never seen this moth before .... what a stunning little critter!

1st & last two images are the picks for me (y)

#1 because I totally love the colours and utter simplicity of the composition and last shot two shots for the symmetry of the critters ... fantastic work!

Do you mind if I ask what the actual colours of the moth are?
In shot #1 they looks almost black, but in others they seem to have an irridiscent green tinge to them ... is this due to your camera settings or changes between sunlight & shade showing the moths colours?
Oh wow, arn't they great.(The moths and pictures that is). Number 1 and 4 for me. Shame that blade of grass slightly covers the antenae(sp?) in the first one though.
Do you mind if I ask what the actual colours of the moth are?
In shot #1 they looks almost black, but in others they seem to have an iridescent green tinge to them ... is this due to your camera settings or changes between sunlight & shade showing the moths colours?

They're black, or blueish black, or greeny-blueish black - depending on how the light catches them. :)
(y) good spot and capture(s)
1st for me, lovely shot
1 and 3 for me, like the simplicity of these two.
Although all of them have a touch of class about them :)
Hi Oy,

Seen these before somewhere, maybe on another Planet, and they are still as good!

I always thought they were 6 spot burnets. cant find any info about 5 spots anywhere :shrug:
Very nice ( what ever they are :D )