Florida wildlife - lots of pics!

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Right, I've processed some of my shots from my latest trip to Florida. Being that hurricane season was over there was a lot more about this time, plus I had better equipment with me to make the most of it. I've just put up a random selection here as I couldn't decide what ones to show. All taken with either D3 or D300 and all with the 200-400 VR (most of which had the 1.4 on as well).

Random locations

Cormorant profile - a great example of how sharp the 200-400 is even with a 1.4 on!


Ibis at sunset


Me taking that shot (I think, but it was around that time)


Sanderlin (or Dunlin?!)


Ruddy Turnstone


Green Cay Wetlands

Osprey and Belted Kingfisher. They were sitting in an old dead tree at sunset, and I thought it funny that they were on a branch each, both looking for fish and facing away from each other :D


The same Osprey. The sun had just gone below the treeline but he was flying up where the light had this amazing red glow!


Tri Coloured Heron fishing

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Viera Wetlands:

Little Green heron hunting


American Bittern - watched this usually hard to spot bird for about 20 mins. Eventually he found a snake and they had a 10 minute fight to the (snakes) death. Got so many shots of the Bittern both alone and with the snake, so here is one of them...


Least Bittern - another tricky to photograph bird, I got him out in the opn 'just', the move FAST through the reeds!!


Although I quite like this one too:


Snow Egret fishing in late afternoon


Great Egret at sunset


Cormorants at sunset


Phew, loads more but that's a nice selection. Saw a HUGE alligator as well, might stick him up at some point.

I know these aren't birds but I thought I'd tag them on the end... :)

Fiddler Crab - tiny little thing this was!!


American Alligator (Viera) - had this shot in mind for ages but this was the closest I got to it. He was backlit and facinh away from me which wasn't ideal. Maybe next time!

Very nice set of shot, looks like you enjoyed it.
WOW! Some fantastic wildlife shots here. I would love to have ago at some shots like this but ive only got a lens that goes to 200mm. Anyway well done(y)
Egads there is real quality there, bravo indeed, heron fishing is a beast of a shot :)
An excellent series of shots.
Great set of shots with the Cattle egret in the sunset being the best of a very good bunch for me.

Sorry no idea why I decided it was a Cattle Egret.
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Great set Richard. I've seen quite a lot of bird pics from Florida recently but you've raised the bar. Love the low angle and shallow DoF of the sanderling and the lovely diffuse background on the ruddy turnstone but the pic of the bunch for me is the fishing tri-color. Absolutely perfect timing on a difficult shot.

The Egret fishing is my favorite but they are all brilliant shots
An amazing set of shots. I can't believe the Eye colour on that Commorant, but my fave is the Osprey in the glow of the setting sun.
Superb set :clap: