Fork Off

  • Thread starter Deleted member 34016
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Third one for me Les, love the angle of the fork and the detail of the metal with the water droplets.(y)
Great pics, how did you ever turn washing up into a forking photo
number 3 for me as well - 1 and 2 are too tightly composed for me - love the processing :)
Thank guys- being home alone I do get to thinking about what to shoot and having a nice new 105mm macro lens lying around, well its rude not to

I agree about the tight cropping, on 1 & 2 my error - too busy thinking about lighting shutter speeds, aperture etc etc

Im having another go today and will bear your comments in mind (y)

Les :D
Thank you Paul / Lee :D

Comments appreciated

Les (y)
Great set les well done.
Haha I like it when your bored Les you give me some great ideas mate (y)

Nice forking set again
Thanks all - comments really appreciated :D

Markboy1 -Fork off :LOL:

Forking good stuff here! Number 3 does it for me. How far was the background away from the forks? I'm pleased you took the time to wash the forks first :)
How WUDE you cheeky forker :p lol

Im thinking of something to do indoors at the weekend but looking at making a little table top studio any tips Mate (y)



On a serious note I made a home made ???? stand base of wood 2" thick 12" x 12" sq drilled a 1" hole in the centre and inserted ( Oh Matron :LOL:) a 1" dowel of around 12" in height- I then screwed onto this dowel 3 plastic clothes pegs at various heights - to facilitate the holding of certain items (like forks etc)

I place this on the kitchen table- select a nice BG which I stand around 3ft behind the item I wish to shoot = hey presto mini macro studio :LOL:

Les (y)
Forking good stuff here! Number 3 does it for me. How far was the background away from the forks? I'm pleased you took the time to wash the forks first :)

around 3ft and yes my duties for the day included doing the washing up :help:

Les :LOL:
There pretty forking good, nice forking light and plenty of forking detail.


That made me chuckle :LOL:

Lovely set Les....well seen!