Four-spotted chaser

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Couple of Four-spotted chaser pics from Thursley:




Well spotted - These would make better pictures face on - as in #3 and closer in if you can get that. I know that there is nothing you can do about the highlights in #1 and #2, but they are very distracting. Worth thinking about your shot a little more to try to avoid them in the first place.

Hope that helps.
Well spotted - These would make better pictures face on - as in #3 and closer in if you can get that. I know that there is nothing you can do about the highlights in #1 and #2, but they are very distracting. Worth thinking about your shot a little more to try to avoid them in the first place.

Hope that helps.

If I could have got closer then I would have - it just was not possible.

As for the 'highlights' - I take it you mean the 'flare' from the water - I rather like the effect and wouldnt have had them any other way.

Its not a case of 'thinking about my shot a little more' - I dont just snap away, I take them as I see them and its my preference to have the 'flare' otherwise I would not have processed them. If others dont particularly like them, then thats fine with me.
If I could have got closer then I would have - it just was not possible.

As for the 'highlights' - I take it you mean the 'flare' from the water - I rather like the effect and wouldnt have had them any other way.

Its not a case of 'thinking about my shot a little more' - I dont just snap away, I take them as I see them and its my preference to have the 'flare' otherwise I would not have processed them. If others dont particularly like them, then thats fine with me.

Take it you didn't particularly like my comments then? :LOL: Mmm, note to self - Don't bother again then ;)

If you don't want or can't take crit then don't post in the sections where it is given, go for the photos for pleasure section. Simple as.

I actually agree that the OOF highlights do distract from an otherwise great subject. Also, as bokeh goes its not particuarly attractive either. These would be much better without them.
:plus1: on both points
If you don't want or can't take crit then don't post in the sections where it is given, go for the photos for pleasure section. Simple as.

Is that so! Until/or an Admin/Mod tells me otherwise, then if I choose to post in this section, then I will.

I actually agree that the OOF highlights do distract from an otherwise great subject. Also, as bokeh goes its not particuarly attractive either. These would be much better without them.

Thats your opinion, so thats fine with me :wave: As I have just posted in your other thread - I wont miss your comments.
Is that so! Until/or an Admin/Mod tells me otherwise, then if I choose to post in this section, then I will.

You can of course post in any board you wish - but if you post in forums where crit is given then you've got expect that it will be given and some people will call it like they see it

like pointing out that the focus is soft in the 3rd shot down , or that the blown bokeh doesnt add anything to the photo

Its fairly pointless posting in critique sections but then getting all bent out of shape just because everyone doesnt go "oh that's wonderful"
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You can of course post in any board you wish - but if you post in forums where crit is given then you've got expect that it will be given and some people will call it like they see it

like pointing out that the focus is soft in the 3rd shot down , or that the out of focus blobs, blown bokeh doesnt add anything to the photo

Its fairly pointless posting in critique sections but then getting all bent out of shape just because everyone doesnt go "oh that's wonderful"

I dont recall getting "all bent out of shape" whatsoever. I responded to the original crit as I saw fit and will continue to do so whether they like my crit of their crit or not - its the same difference.

I dont really care if you like them or not and I wont miss your comments either. I am also fully aware of how forums work, I have been using them for the last ten years.

I am not going to entertain further bickering in this post or the other very rude post that I responded to. Further comments like this will be ignored. - Im not interested.
Is that so! Until/or an Admin/Mod tells me otherwise, then if I choose to post in this section, then I will.

Linda, the photo sharing sections (other than photos for pleasure) are there for people to offer critique. If you do not wish to receive critique then photos for pleasure is the place to post. Otherwise, it is gracious to receive said critique in a respectful manner. I notice you are quite happy to receive critique when it is favourable.
If I could have got closer then I would have - it just was not possible.

As for the 'highlights' - I take it you mean the 'flare' from the water - I rather like the effect and wouldnt have had them any other way.

Its not a case of 'thinking about my shot a little more' - I dont just snap away, I take them as I see them and its my preference to have the 'flare' otherwise I would not have processed them. If others dont particularly like them, then thats fine with me.

Otherwise, it is gracious to receive said critique in a respectful manner. I notice you are quite happy to receive critique when it is favourable.

I thik my original reply was perfectly respectful which is more than I can say for the very rude comments in the other post I found.

Sorry, I am not getting into this any more.
I thik my original reply was perfectly respectful which is more than I can say for the very rude comments in the other post I found.

Sorry, I am not getting into this any more.

Your reply was quite dismissive actually and not once did you thank the poster for taking the time to comment. As for the comments in the other thread, well you reap what you sow there.

And I'm not getting into it any more either. ;)
Your reply was quite dismissive actually and not once did you thank the poster for taking the time to comment. As for the comments in the other thread, well you reap what you sow there.

And I'm not getting into it any more either. ;)

Thanks then and bi.
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as Fabs has pointed out, Critique is for those who recognise the need and wish to improve their photography, Photos for pleasure is for those that dont require further learning or critique. Your reply to the original (very helpful) comments doesn't come across as respectful, it comes across as rather put out!
as Fabs has pointed out, Critique is for those who recognise the need and wish to improve their photography, Photos for pleasure is for those that dont require further learning or critique.

Ok, fine - I think its best left at that then.
Sorry, but if you were referring to my post, as the poster below seems to think, then please get your facts right. My post was started on 2/7 and you replied on 3/7 - that does not equate to a week in my calendar.

But, on the other hand, if you were not referring to my post then I do apologies for jumping to conclusions, but I think the post I have quoted below, would explain that.

In the interests of openess, I feel that I would like to just answer the comments made by Linda in the unanswered posts thread, as quoted above.

Yes I was referring to the original post I made in this thread. I stated that the post had been in unanswered for some time, if that was not the case then I do apologise. I was jumping through unanswered to try to help people who had posted pictures and had received no replies. At that time I was answering posts from a week or more old as well as clearly more recent ones.

Regardless of how long the thread had been in unanswered, does not alter the fact that I took time to give what I considered constructive crit to 3 pictures. Everything I said, you blew out of the water and gave a reason why the picture was so and why you believed it was fine. Quite frankly I found your comments to be dismissive. I then noted how you thanked someone who albeit had looked at your pics, had not taken as much time to say anything much more than how nice they were. You seemed to like that.

It is episodes like this that prevent people from offering any crit at all. Perhaps you are happy with where you are with your photography and do not feel that any constructive comments are helpful, but there are many people who post on here that welcome constructive feedback, both in the affirmative and negative. If I no longer offer any crit because of your poor display of acceptance, then it is others on this foum that will suffer when I and others don't offer any comments.

I am not saying that you or anyone else necessarily agrees with my comments, but a polite thank you would have gone a long way.

A number of months ago, the unanswered page used to be just that - A page, not 5 or 6. In fact sometimes there would be zero in unanswered. That was because people took time to help others and they were appreciated for it. It is sometimes difficult to look at a picture and say what you like and don't like and takes time and effort. When those people who worked hard on that section felt that they were ignored or at worst dismissed for their comments, then quite a few I would imagine, just stopped.

I stand by the comments and apologise that I got the timescale wrong. I hope that you will read this post and even if you don't agree with it, will at least be able to be open minded enough to see where this sort of response to comments can lead.
Sara, what an absolutely brilliant post.

I'm going to nick that and spread the word (y)
Sara, what an absolutely brilliant post.


I too am one who had, until recently, nearly completely given up offering crit to other peoples work. As of late, I've gone into quite a lot of detail and tried to be constructive for a few people in the last weeks, and it's been received very well indeed. Not that I proclaim to be a master of anything, but it is nice that even if they don't agree, it is accepted well.

Frankly the display in this thread makes me a little ashamed, and I feel genuine sorrow for those who put time and effort into this forum, only to be surrounded by this level of arrogance. I would offer what I believe to be good advice to this thread, but frankly it is no longer deserved, and displays such as this only succeed in lowering what respect a member might have.
I'll shy away from offering an opinion as mine would be either pointless or unwelcome. I am however interested in how the spectral highlights occurred in that manner....would the first two shots have been taken with a macro lens and a teleconverter (extender)?
