Critique Framed Swan

Richard Walton
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Whilst enjoying a morning at the local country park, I couldn't resist this composition.


Thanks for looking. (y)
I couldn't have either, that's a nice image. I like the exposure on the bricks that are inside in the shade. Good work.
Well seen, the swan's body looks a bit blown out and I'd be tempted to tidy up the area behind the swan
Thanks for the advice. I'll try and clean it up next time I'm in LR/PS.
It can be very hard to get exposure balanced with white against a black background, can I ask what settings you used, spot exposure with some compensation may have helped. IMHO I find seeing the other side of the bridge a bit off putting so I would change the angle slightly and if not shooting from sitting position I would try lowering the angle. That being said I like the overall picture.
You may be able to recover some feather details if you shot in RAW ?

Good luck

Les :)
I probably can Les. I always shoot in RAW. Have done ever since I got my D80. :)
It can be very hard to get exposure balanced with white against a black background, can I ask what settings you used, spot exposure with some compensation may have helped. IMHO I find seeing the other side of the bridge a bit off putting so I would change the angle slightly and if not shooting from sitting position I would try lowering the angle. That being said I like the overall picture.
Thanks for the advice.
I was originally in full manual with auto ISO. But, then, I remembered watching Paul Miguel on YouTube and his recommendation of Aperture Priority with Auto ISO, but keep an eye on the shutter speed. I'm not too sure without revisiting the files in LR, what settings I was on at that point.
As for the angles etc. I see exactly what you are saying. I couldn't get much lower because I was shooting over a thick(ish) band of weeds etc.
Again thanks. Appreciate the advice.
...... I remembered watching Paul Miguel on YouTube ......
I just had a look at his channel one I will subscribe to, thanks for mentioning him
I like the overall shot and composition very much and in situations like that I always expose for the whites and then raise the shadows in PP if required.
Thanks for the advice. :)
I took all the advice given above into account and reviewed the picture in LR. With the white clipping switched on, LR didn't show that the swan was burnt out. Although I do agree it does look that way. I've tried the reducing both the whites and highlights as far as they go but I can't get rid of the burnt out look.
I did however, have a go at tidying up the brickwork in the background and think I've got away with it.
See what you think, below.

