Critique French Tit

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Wet, Wet, Wet - here for the past few days

poor devils are not venturing out

so here's a wet Great Tit on an attractive perch taken through the window - it's nesting in a nest box in the garden

supposed to be a slightly different sub species in SW France v the UK - Parus major major here and P m newtoni in the UK ……….don't ask me I have no idea what the differences are …. probably the song/call, i.e. the French ones call in French and the UK ones in English

(There are 34 subspecies presently recognised)

Wet_BT copy.jpg
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You've missed the focus on this one Bill - its in front of your subject (the lichen gives it away), and shooting through a window rarely helps with sharpness either!
Thanks Mike, you are correct - I just wonder if I was too near for the 300mm + x 2 TC, i.e. just on the edge of minimum focus ....... but as you say the front part is in focus ........I took six shots and they are all the same - I did focus on the eye/head, although light was dark ......... I'm still waiting for a "kit" to test the lens ........ although it's been great so far ..... so it could be me

I did take the shot through the window ......... just getting frustrated with the weather

Also I have just re-calibrated my screen so I am unsure if I am pushing them into looking "over-exposed" on the screen thru PP

Thanks again
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Shame it's a little OOF, the weather will be better this weekend so I hope you get a better shot, sorry to rub it in, been really nice here in the east :)