Friday Nights Sunset near Hale

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A combination of 100F2.8L Macro lens and some deliberate underexposure and cloudy white balance... a lovely orange sunset


A landscape version


And then a wider angled shot using the 15-85 IS. The blues have been enhanced a touch. About 8% saturation and 10% vibrancy boost if I remember correctly. Also a deliberate breaking of the rules by putting the horizon so low down. Mainly because the foreground was particularly boring beneath the switch-back of the water.

In the second one I think the elements work against each other - the sun attracts the eye to the left but the curve of the grass leads the eye to the right.

The third one is good, but I agree with Wasim, the first one is excellent.

Cheers for the replies :)

Dave, cheers for the CC. Good point. If the stems were curving inwards, it may have been better although I think the framing of the sun in the first would far outweigh any other version :)
#3 offers more for me and is my preferred from the 3.
No 3 is simple & great. No one would (IMHO) have benefitted from a lower PoV, with maybe a bit less of the dark background
Cheers again :). Ned, how about a Square format crop ? It was actually suggested to me by another 'tog friend and was interested in seeing of others thought the same as I must admit, I do like the Sq. Format more :)

Thanks Peter :)
Thanks Darth, Beav :)
Really like all of these, the wider shot reminds me of my trip to Bali for some reason!
Thanks again all. Much appreciated.