Fuji X Pro1 and XE1 Firmware updates.

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There are firmware updates for both cameras available today from here, and also more updates promised on July 23rd.

Today's updates look interesting with enhancements to the Focus Frame selection, an additional function button, and enabling of the aperture control on lenses without aperture rings.

The July update, amomg other things, gives us the focus-peaking that we wanted for manual focussing.

Thank you Fuji, continued support for users of these excellent cameras is very much appreciated.(y)
And that's one of the reasons I bought into the Fuji X system, they seem to listen and implement requested features.

It is really nice having a second Fn button and being able to select focus point with one press!

Bring on the improved AF in July and the 10-24 and my XE-1 will be my 95% camera!
Fantastic updates, the adjustment to focus selection is brilliant and will be a very popular addition.
This update and the one due out next month will be fantastic. The ability to change focal points via the paddle was sorely missed, very happy with the updates fuji have done.
I was happy with mine before but this is the icing on the cake, my eyesight is failing and I use a lot of legacy glass, especially at the long end (200mm & 300mm primes) so the focus peaking is a real boon for me :)
I'm just hoping we'll get that Min Shutter speed for Auto ISO that the X-M1 is getting.

Fingers crossed!

Anyone else notice the return of the Ticking aperture blades since doing the update?
It appears to have stopped now! Strange

Anyway, the new focus selection button is a big plus. Good on Fuji for listening to its customers
Peak focusing is a manual focusing aid that works by highlighting the object/subject thats in focus in white, this makes it easier to quickly focus on subjects when using manual focus
Peak focusing is a manual focusing aid that works by highlighting the object/subject thats in focus in white, this makes it easier to quickly focus on subjects when using manual focus

Noted. Will try my manual lenses when I've got the time tomorrow!