Fuji x100

I used my E-PL2 exclusively with a 14mm lens so going to an X100 was a bonus. I got a bigger sensor and a proper viewfinder.
I also sold my D300 and bought an X10.
Both cameras are perfect for me. If I find I miss a longer lens I just walk a big closer!
Any chance you could say where you got the voucher from?

Sorry Mike, Just spotted this. Voucher was found by searching and is from one of the big voucher companies - can't remember which. It was valid to October or something crazy and saves 10% on refurbed cameras at the Fuji shop.

Just had a good look but can't find it I'm afraid.
I just found the voucher code I was going to use. They are freely available on the net so just pm'd one across to Mike T ( and probably phototuition too!)
chrism_scotland said:
Anyone moved from M4/3 to an X100 at all? Been thinking about getting rid of my EP2 and just picking up either the X100 or X10 but aside from a quick play in Jessops don't know much about them.

I did.
I sold my Olympus EP-1 and my XZ-1 compact to fund the purchase of a refurbished X100 from the Fuji store.
It's rekindled my love of photography and having the fixed lens has forced me to think more about composition...I love it.
I've heard that the autofocus is a bit of a mare, is this true?

The autofocus is definitely quite accurate, but the acquisition time is still comparatively slow. The firmware update improved the situation, but it was still too slow for me unfortunately. You need to be aware of the parallax as well at close distances, there is a corrected AF frame option, but the actual point of focus will only display once you've, well, focussed, and so you may need to do it again if it's not where you want rather than recompose at close distance, especially if you're using f/2 etc. I found that I needed to use the corrected and the uncorrected frame to guesstimate where the camera was going to focus based on distance to desired point of focus. You can get it quite well after some practice, but it does not really allow a quick shot to be taken with any degree of accuracy.
You need to be aware of the parallax as well at close distances, there is a corrected AF frame option, but the actual point of focus will only display once you've, well, focussed, and so you may need to do it again if it's not where you want rather than recompose at close distance, especially if you're using f/2 etc. I found that I needed to use the corrected and the uncorrected frame to guesstimate where the camera was going to focus based on distance to desired point of focus. You can get it quite well after some practice, but it does not really allow a quick shot to be taken with any degree of accuracy.

If you use the OVF you are going to suffer from parallax error at close distances. Better then to switch to the EVF and if I understand the blurb, the parallax error is gone. You can only use the EVF and LCD screen in Macro as there is no error.
Yep agreed, but it kind of defeated the object of having the optical finder for me.
This sort of optical viewfinder implementation will always have a parallax error, there isn't anything that can be done. The evf then provides a way of overcoming this limitation if needed.
Yep agreed, but it kind of defeated the object of having the optical finder for me.

Only a Dslr optical viewfinder that views through the lens will give you parallax free viewing.
Fuji has updated the latest firmware with the AF adjustment when using the OVF.
The only way to overcome the parallax phenomenon is to anticipate the error and allow for it. It's pretty easy to guess where the focus point is likely to be at any given distance with a little practise. After all, the focus box is quite big.
I agree that the OVF is a nicer way to view the world, but there have to be compromises with this sort of finder and always has been
Thanks for the comments re moving from M4/3 folks, its certainly something I'm contemplating is the move to an X100 or X10.

Sell up your gear and get both if you can. I did and have never looked back. The iq from both of them is stunning.
I'm not even missing my 200 or 300mm lenses. I have super macro with the x10 and fast lenses in both. I get decent depth of field and sharp detailed 100% crops from both and can fit both in my jacket pockets. What's not to like?
Sell up your gear and get both if you can. I did and have never looked back. The iq from both of them is stunning.
I'm not even missing my 200 or 300mm lenses. I have super macro with the x10 and fast lenses in both. I get decent depth of field and sharp detailed 100% crops from both and can fit both in my jacket pockets. What's not to like?

I am sorely tempted, it would save me lusting over new m4/3 lenses and as much as I do like my m4/3 setup I know I won't be happy until I've got an OM-D, 12mm, 25mm and 45mm setup and thats not going to come in cheap!
Sell up your gear and get both if you can. I did and have never looked back. The iq from both of them is stunning.
I'm not even missing my 200 or 300mm lenses. I have super macro with the x10 and fast lenses in both. I get decent depth of field and sharp detailed 100% crops from both and can fit both in my jacket pockets. What's not to like?

Out of curiosity Allan which do you use more or prefer? x10 or x100
My girlfriend got an X10 today.

Have to say that given I now have an R-D1s, I should have probably gone for the X10.
Out of curiosity Allan which do you use more or prefer? x10 or x100

It seems to be the X10 at the moment �� I don't really have a preference. Maybe with the better weather coming I might lean more to one than the other but as they are both pretty compact, it's easy to take both out and just pull out the one that feels appropriate for the moment
They seem to compliment each other well
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Thanks for the reply Allan..Chris I dont think you will regret it.(y)
Well I have just bought one today!! The X10 in my opinion has it's problems and after trying out the X100 for the night I just had to get one!!!! The battery is charging so untill it's done I have made a cup of tea and am about to sit and read the manual.

Here are a couple images from yesterdays tryout using a pre production model that i borrowed from work.

X100 Test by andywest1, on Flickr

X100 Test by andywest1, on Flickr
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Few more X100 shots:




(More here: http://500px.com/jzseychelles)

Such a versatile camera, will stay with me for a long, long time :D.
:thinking: Mmm here we go again lol...had a few issues today with focus. Set to macro mode and well within minimum focus distance yet it would continually back focus..I was about 18 inches away if that whilst taking this shot and also had it happen on several others.

DSCF0389 by StuartHowePhotography, on Flickr
Tried that as well lee..most strange it has been ok up to now admittedly not used the replacement one much as been very busy but well peed off!It also wasnt hunting it was confirming focus..