Fuji x100s - How good is it?

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Hey guys,

So... In a previous thread, I asked people there opinion on whether or not to upgrade from my D5000 to the D7100 or buy a full frame camera.

However, after some further research, I'm now beginning to lean towards the Fuji cameras - xpro1 or the x100s. The latter I think would really suit the type of photography I take - fixed 35mm, light and easy to carry around and wow and the images the camera produces look absolutely stunning.

Is the hype to good to be true!? the reviews I've read rave about the camera.

I'd be interested to hear some first hand accounts of people who own it?
It's fine. Autofocus is nowhere near that of an SLR, and manual focus of course you have to use the electronic viewfinder rather than the optical. Controls aren't as quick to change on the fly as an SLR, especially if you have large hands. Image quality is more than good enough for most uses.

ETA, and it can be slow at times, image review can take about a week and a half if you shoot a burst of frames, even with fast cards. Not something I do often with it though as personally I use it for street and doco stuff where it's one frame at a time.
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Yep really like mine,its my now go everywhere camera,if you get one i don't think you will be a disappointment,i mainly shoot street stuff theses days on AP and single frame :)
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Hi, In that class of camera I've not come across anything better. It's "Awsome".:)