Fuji X70 or X100t what would you go for & why?

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I'm looking at the new X70 and it seems to offer everything the X100T has but cheaper. Am I missing something here? Just wondering if any X100t users can comment and also answer if they are using this as their only camera being fixed lens?
Without going through all the specs the stand out omission is the viewfinder and that would be a big put off for me.

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Without going through all the specs the stand out omission is the viewfinder and that would be a big put off for me.

Yes I found that a bit off putting, and an odd thing to leave out on a camera like that! However the touch screen does feature the ability to capture on touch, I don't know if I could live without a viewfinder!
I have thw X100T but it's not my only camera, I also have an XT1 and Xpro1. I love the X100T it's my go to camera, just something about it makes me want to go take photographs. I use the evf almost all of the time, though the ovf is useful.
Biggest difference is the VF.

I'd go with X100 variant every time, as 35mm is my preferred focal length. The OVF is also a massive plus for me, it makes the whole experience. I use it as my sole camera when I want to travel light. I do also have X-E2 and bag full of lenses for tourism and purposeful photography things. But apart from lack of different focal length for some extreme cases (ultra-wide and telephoto), I never found myself missing the bigger camera with my X100 by my side.

For my wife, however, I feel X70 is perfect for her: touch screen focus, selfie screen (she doesn't take it often, but nice to have) as well as the smaller and thinner form-factor.
The question shouldn't be X100 Vs the X70, it should be X100 Vs Ricoh GR.

The Ricoh GR is already the gold standard for APSC 28mm & it fits right in your pocket as the lens retracts. The X70 won't likely fit in my pocket and will come with an awkward lens cap, you could probably filter it and not use the cap but that would extend the size of the lens making it less pocketable.

The GR's lens is awesome and the ergonomics are spot on, better than the X100S that I also own, and so I can drop that down to being better than the X70.

I picked my GR up brand new @ £350 to replace the one my girlfriend lost. It's constantly in my pocket.

I'd be all over the Fuji if it had a retractable lens & was the same size/weight as the GR. It wouldn't replace the GR but would be a nice alternative now and then.

As an aside the GR colours are excellent, the reason there is so much nonsense out there about the colours being poor is lack of a proper LR profile on launch!
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There is a viewfinder option (EVF) listed for the X70, it fits on the hotshoe and costs £150, don't know when it will be released

There will also be a Wide Angle Adapter taking it to 14mm (FF equivalent 21mm)

But back to the OPs question, I'd take the X100 every time, if you want to shoot wide add the WCL
There is a viewfinder option (EVF) listed for the X70, it fits on the hotshoe and costs £150, don't know when it will be released

There will also be a Wide Angle Adapter taking it to 14mm (FF equivalent 21mm)

But back to the OPs question, I'd take the X100 every time, if you want to shoot wide add the WCL

I think it's an optical viewfinder and only gives you parallax marks, but
I can't find any real info on it.

Thank you to everyone for their posts. I'm nearly convinced to buy the X100T after quite a lot of research. My only issue now is if fuji have a new version coming soon! Looking at previous releases of the X100 series, it's a strong possibility, would they wait until photokina in September or launch something now? With the X70 being very comparable I wonder if an x100u or x200 is round the corner!
I've just put in a preorder for the X70. I have a Ricoh GR but have found myself using the articulated screen a lot more on my X-T1 and wishing the GR had one.

After having the GR for a few years now I prefer the 28mm for street photography and rarely use a the viewfinder on the X-T1 if I'm shooting street stuff, so the x70 is preferable to the x100 for me. I'm 95% certain I'll sell the GR, but it's such a fun camera to use I almost can't bring myself to! :)
Thank you to everyone for their posts. I'm nearly convinced to buy the X100T after quite a lot of research. My only issue now is if fuji have a new version coming soon! Looking at previous releases of the X100 series, it's a strong possibility, would they wait until photokina in September or launch something now? With the X70 being very comparable I wonder if an x100u or x200 is round the corner!

Wouldn't it be an X100F? I was told that the S and T stood for Second (generation) and Third.
That would make sense! Never realised that! It's all irrelevant anyhow I took the plunge & ordered one today!
Enjoy your new purchase :)
I was going to suggest XE2 with 27mm f2.8 or the 18mm f2.0
But I'm sure you will be pleased with your choice :)
I liked my x100s but found it slow to focus at times so sold it for an xe2 and now use this with the 18 and 35.