Full Frame?

Keith Jones
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Thinking of upgrading from my Nikon D7100 to a full frame. Which model should I go for? D610 or D750?

I predominately shoot Rugby and wildlife.

Your views/advice will be gratefully accepted!
Wildlife (extra reach) and sports (higher burst speeds) are two of the kinds of shooting which some full frame photographers prefer to use a crop frame camera for, so what's the specific problems you're finding with your D7100 which you want full frame to improve?​

I use a Nikon F2.8 70-200mm for rugby and I am disappointed with the quality of the image in terms of speed of focus and sharpness of image - both are very hit or miss.
I would go or Nikon D750 if you have decided to upgrade ,as the focusing is very good at low light compared to D610.
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Go for a used D700 or D3. Both super fast focus and spot on. If you still can't get fast focus on those body, I'm sure is either the body is faulty or is a technique problem .....
Thanks Guys, I have just brought the D610 (price was right) . Fingers crossed!
have you researched the AF system in the D610? I'm not saying its not any good, but I've got a feeling its the same as what's in the D7100 (but could be wrong), and you said the AF was one of the things you weren't happy with...

Edit - just found this quote on the interweb - "Since Nikon reused the 39-point AF system from the D7000 (MultiCAM 4800) on the D610, my first task was to see if there is any difference in AF performance between the two. After testing the AF system of the D610 alongside the D7000, I came to the conclusion that the MultiCAM 4800FX AF system is more accurate than the MultiCAM 4800DX AF system on the D7000, especially in low-light situations. While AF speed seems to be about the same on both, the D610 does not hunt for focus as much as the D7000 does and the hit/miss ratio is much better."
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I went from the d7000 which I loved to the d7100 which I got rid of after 8 months( didn't like it) to a d600 and LOVE it! You won't regret going FX
Technique on tracking the AF on moving subject is important too. I never miss a shot on my D3/D700 on a 70-200 f2.8 VR.
have you researched the AF system in the D610? I'm not saying its not any good, but I've got a feeling its the same as what's in the D7100 (but could be wrong), and you said the AF was one of the things you weren't happy with...

Edit - just found this quote on the interweb - "Since Nikon reused the 39-point AF system from the D7000 (MultiCAM 4800) on the D610, my first task was to see if there is any difference in AF performance between the two. After testing the AF system of the D610 alongside the D7000, I came to the conclusion that the MultiCAM 4800FX AF system is more accurate than the MultiCAM 4800DX AF system on the D7000, especially in low-light situations. While AF speed seems to be about the same on both, the D610 does not hunt for focus as much as the D7000 does and the hit/miss ratio is much better."

I have owned the D7000 and D7100 and the D7100 was quicker to focus and more accurate IMO. The D7100 uses the 51 point system, similar to the one in D4. Currently have the D750 and it's another step up again.

So suprised the OP has gone for the 39 point AF system with the D610 if focus is an issue with the D7100, it maybe better as it's FF but I think it maybe a step backwards, but hopefully not!
I have owned the D7000 and D7100 and the D7100 was quicker to focus and more accurate IMO. The D7100 uses the 51 point system, similar to the one in D4. Currently have the D750 and it's another step up again.

So suprised the OP has gone for the 39 point AF system with the D610 if focus is an issue with the D7100, it maybe better as it's FF but I think it maybe a step backwards, but hopefully not!

my thoughts exactly, more of a sideways step imho, better low light ability and general IQ but with less reach to get you closer to the action.
Thanks Guys, I have just brought the D610 (price was right) . Fingers crossed!

Given you said you wanted better AF I wouldn't get your hopes up - the AF in the D7100 is better than that in the D610.

Also, you are losing the crop factor of the DX camera which is often a bonus with sports and wildlife. TBH it doesn't sound like a very well thought through purchase but hope you get what you want.
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I think the FF sensor on the D610 will definite improve quality, specially low light performance. I agree what other was side, it seems like a rush buy instead of more research then purchase.

The D750 or D800 will probably be good if you want FF. Also if budget is really tight and you want fast AF, FF sensor etc. Used D700 and D3 can't go wrong. I use D3/D700 combo on sports and is all good.
Thanks for your feedback guys. The D610 does have a DX crop which will help me get some extra reach. As for the autofocus I find the D7100 does hunt so maybe the D610 close clustered focusing points will help with this. It will be interesti g to see the results.
Thanks for your feedback guys. The D610 does have a DX crop which will help me get some extra reach. As for the autofocus I find the D7100 does hunt so maybe the D610 close clustered focusing points will help with this. It will be interesti g to see the results.
Personally I found the D610 AF to pretty lacking, especially in low light, with the focus points far too close together. The centre one is OK though. And the IQ is excellent.
I've owned a D610 and now a D7200, I'm very impressed by the AF on the D7200 - fast accurate and the wide spread of points works well for me. The bigger buffer (than the D7100) is a big help too. At the mo, I've got a D700, D7200 and D800E to hand and I'd probably pick up the D7200 for sports but the D800E would do a good job too. If you are set on FF, the D800 would be a much better bet than the D610.
Thanks for your comments. D610 is being delivered today. It will be interesting to see what prevails!
Hi Keith

Not sure you've thought this through fully. If bought mail order & you don't open the box, you can just send it back.

Most people shooting sports & wildlife would specifically choose a DX such as your D7100. Otherwise going for full frame is going to cost you a lot more money in lenses. If you're prepared to spend the dosh, then good on you. However the D610 has a lesser AF system than the D7100 & being full frame, the lesser focus points will cover less viewfinder area, compounding the issue for you. A D750 would be better, if you're aiming for the best, then the D4S would be the one.

My advice would be to stick with the D7100 & invest in lenses, or if you've got a bad case of NAS, go get the D7200.
I've been shooting on a DX nikon like D300 and D7000 for a long time before switching to d700 and d3. Prior to that I'm invest on quality lens which works in FF. Lens first then body.
I have a Nikon F2.8 70-200 Mk 1 lens and a Sigma 150-500 f5-6.3.

I intend to keep the D7100 for the time being in order to compare images with the D610.
I shot wildlife yesterday with a Tamron 70-300 on my d600 and was amazed how crisp it was for a £250 lens from WEX!
I'm always amused by the term 'full frame'. Having shot on 'weedy 35mm' film through my teens and early adulthood I was always looking for bigger and better and did go to medium format film for the IQ. So I am somewhat surprised that 35mm size format is so much coveted!
Used D810, much better AF than the D800e I had. Worked well for footy and wildlife so I assume will work well for rugby and wildlife.

Good luck with your choice.
BTW, a used D810 has just gone up for sale here on TP. Not mine I must add !. Looks like a bargain price.
I have a Nikon F2.8 70-200 Mk 1 lens and a Sigma 150-500 f5-6.3.
I intend to keep the D7100 for the time being in order to compare images with the D610.

I've had both those lenses on a D300 and D7100 , the 70/200 always produces lovely sharp images unless the idiot behind the camera (me)
gets it wrong, I do mainly wildlife with the odd spattering of motor sport when I have times.
I was never really happy with the 150/5500, it did hint in low light, using it in the woods etc was disappointing.
The D7100 focusing system is fantastic, never had a problem on any moving objects, the buffer speed doesn't worry me
I'm always amused by the term 'full frame'. Having shot on 'weedy 35mm' film through my teens and early adulthood I was always looking for bigger and better and did go to medium format film for the IQ. So I am somewhat surprised that 35mm size format is so much coveted!

It makes sense when you consider for most people a digital medium format system is never ever going to be a consideration but I see your point.
I'm always amused by the term 'full frame'. Having shot on 'weedy 35mm' film through my teens and early adulthood I was always looking for bigger and better and did go to medium format film for the IQ. So I am somewhat surprised that 35mm size format is so much coveted!

Because its within most peoples reach in terms of cost and is better than the other smaller sensor cameras. Next step up is £5000+ body only.
I'm always amused by the term 'full frame'. Having shot on 'weedy 35mm' film through my teens and early adulthood I was always looking for bigger and better and did go to medium format film for the IQ. So I am somewhat surprised that 35mm size format is so much coveted!
It's relative, especially when you see how small some camera sensors really are (the very smallest being 1/10")! In terms of smallness they go well beyond the realms of the smallest film formats, such as 110, so a "35mm" sized digital sensor is actually pretty large relatively speaking.

The difference between the smallest 1-2.3" digital sensor and a 35mm "full frame" digital sensor is a bigger much difference between 110 (etc) and the 35mm film format.
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I've got a D610 & I'm throughly impressed by the focus & colours that a full frame offers.
I wouldn't say as a format, FF offers better focusing, as its nothing to do with the sensor itself.