Critique required Gandalf's 52 of 2024 - Week 1 - Close to Home - SOOC

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In for a Penny…. Wishing all a Snappy New Year..
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Nice lines! Where?
Another very tidy composition. I'd probably have corrected/rotated the image to fix the lean on that post tight up against the LH edge of the image, but I'm a pedant :)
I like the low angle too. Shows a bit of care & thought.
If I were the PWay manager there I'd be embarrassed by those tracks! I've seen better heritage line sidings !
Nice to get two converging sets of leading lines in though :)

Just a reminder for week 2, but can you put the week, theme and tech (if applicable) in the title of the image you post in the main thread, so that I can easily see which week it is for the thread (obvious this week, but for future weeks you'd be surprised at how out of sequence it can get ;) )