East Anglia Garden Bird Photography

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I'm new to talkphotography and quite new to photography in general.

I would just like to know what sort of set up people have in their garden for photographing birds and if you guys could possibly post some photos or send me in the right direction I would be most grateful :)

Yeah I had a look at that one earlier, just wondering what sort of set ups people have on here really. I was thinking of getting a few bits to set up. My garden isn't the biggest too be honest so want to make the best use of the space I have!

Thanks for the post though :)
I have a small rear garden with a hedge along one side. I put out 4 bird feeders with fat balls, suet and seed. I placed the feeders such that they could be viewed through one of my windows. It took about a month before the local birds came to feed, but now it is very busy. I use a tripod and big lens and hope for the right conditions to get a good shot.
I have set up 4 feeders. 2 with mixed seed, 1 with sunflower seed and one which just has fat balls in it. It's been up a week or so and I haven't had any birds in yet :s Well I have had some land on them but they aren't eating anything haha.