weekly Gav's TP 52 - 2023 - Week 16 - Connected

Getting a catch-up on some comments!

Letters - An interesting example of the plane of focus.

Kitchen - The toaster looks very clean and new, was it spruced up for the photo? If it has a strong mechanism could have been fun trying to catch it popping , although might have required a loaf to practise with!

Broken - It's well and truly meeting that criteria. Lighting works well to capture the pieces.

Full - A different take on the theme, good level of detail and well isolated.

Patterns - Has a bit of an optical illusion effect to it. High detail level and lighting enhance it.
Getting a catch-up on some comments!
Thank you, Appreciate it :)
Letters - An interesting example of the plane of focus.
Cheers, I like to use narrow DoF where possible
Kitchen - The toaster looks very clean and new, was it spruced up for the photo? If it has a strong mechanism could have been fun trying to catch it popping , although might have required a loaf to practise with!
I gave it a buff for the photo ;) pop up is naff, so no chance of crumpets/toast in the air.
Broken - It's well and truly meeting that criteria. Lighting works well to capture the pieces.
Thank you
Full - A different take on the theme, good level of detail and well isolated.
Patterns - Has a bit of an optical illusion effect to it. High detail level and lighting enhance it.
Thank you, light from the sides to try and get the texture.

Thanks again
I think that it's a good shot Gav. Not sure what it is...
Hi all

Week 12 Tunnel

I decided to have a go with a torch and my Sigma 150-600mm to create lens flares, the lens was extended to 600mm, captured with 100mm Marco lens, the black bar across the bottom is the torch, I tried a few set ups but something was always in the way or flares didn't line up. The torch I used is for checking paintwork colour matching, it uses 2 elements to change the light temp'.

Thank you for looking

Tunnel vision by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
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Excellent take on the theme! Really wouldn't have thought of that! I like the dotted rainbows too!
Really creative Gav, I'd love to see a wide-angle context shot.
Great colours coming out of the blackness, like the OOF edges of the lens giving the "entrance to the tunnel" feel.
Pattern - definitely works in mono.
Tunnel - great idea for the theme and well composed - really leads you into the image.
Ohh.. I love these but they won't grow in my garden. Lovely shot with soft light.
Love that Gav. I have some of these in my garden, and the local NT place (Dyffryn Gardens) has a great fritillary meadow. Got to watch out for those pesky lily beetles though.....
Ohh.. I love these but they won't grow in my garden. Lovely shot with soft light.
Thank you, used the low evening sun.
I'm supprised it's growung here, there is a tiny a one next to it, so hoping for more next year :)

Love that Gav. I have some of these in my garden, and the local NT place (Dyffryn Gardens) has a great fritillary meadow. Got to watch out for those pesky lily beetles though.....
Thank you, we normally find the pigeons flatten them, but so far this one has survived :) I would love to see a meadow full.
Love Fritellarias but way too early for them where I am. Good capture Gav.
I keep getting side tracked and buggering about in the mud, there's so much going on with the wild beasts at the minute ..
Anyway.. sorry I used my phone for this weeks take on Smooth, I was at work and machining some Stainless steel, it needs to be smooth as it's for the food packaging industry.
One smooth plate on a bed of, not so smooth swarf :)
All good Gav. It fits the theme well. I like that you've placed it on a bed of shavings, it gives the image some context.
Looks like a gold bar on a bed of straw!

Suitable focus on the rearmost countersink and the machining marks from the fly cutting give interest along with the lovely long highlight.
Looks like a gold bar on a bed of straw!

Suitable focus on the rearmost countersink and the machining marks from the fly cutting give interest along with the lovely long highlight.
:D it does, the lighting on the machine is awful but can add some effects :LOL:
Thank you, hate using my phone but always forget my camera when going to work.

A nice unusual image for smooth Gav. Like it (y)
Thank you :)
A different take on the theme - nice one.
Thank you.
Nice finish on the SS Gav, what sort of SS is it with that colour?

Cheers, just 304 St/St, it's the work light on the machine that caused the colour cast, it's halogen and covered in coolant/swarf.
Nothing wrong with using your phone. it's good that we all have cameras with us all of the time these days.
Nice smooth image. Interestingly shallow DoF. Was that in phone processing?
I dislike the lack of control on a phone :LOL:
All done in phone, only used snapseed for highlight and contast.
Thank you