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Honestly, no weather sealing, can't see anywhere to attach a tripod mount and where's the hand grip. Just can't see the market for this one. :thumbsdown:
(just in case, that is heavy satire)
Looks like Canon might have slightly over-reacted with their competitor to the D800.....
Canon & Nikon to respond with Terapixel and Petapixel or their own. the PETA pixel being of particular interest to those hippie types for its animal friendly credentials....:LOL:
Ive just ordered one with the 17-55, i think it will make a nice walkabout setup :)

P.S anyone know who does a 16 terabyte cf card?
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The flash is a bit primitive don't you think?... I mean, did you see the plume of smoke? That's an awful lot of oxy-hydrogen they used. :LOL:
Whaaaat wow.... I'd love to know how much disk space a single image takes...