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Having recently been confined to a mobility scooter, temporarily I hope (pending an operation).

I am walking the dog each day, well he rides aboard with me :)

My hands are freezing in this cold weather. I've tried various gloves, liners are worn all the time, but still, I have ten icicles on the end of my arms!

Any recommendations would be appreciated, I quite happy to wear mittens.
Gloves just don't work - mittens are better, but still not enough really unless you get the electrically heated ones (which are expensive) and not that much better.

The best solution is to keep the wind off and I found the best solution was one of these:,aps,116&sr=8-17

There are cheaper ones and if you look on the evil bay there are even cheaper ones from China.

Now I use a wheelchair instead of a mobility scooter I can't use one, but I've found just fitting a dog poo bag loosely over the control and my hand makes a big difference as it keeps the wind off nicely.
Gloves don’t work?
I’d hate to think what the wind chill temperature was on the ride to work this morning, yet at no point did I have to turn on the heated grips.
My gloves work.
I like those Go Mitts Hugh, worth a punt methinks :)
Yes Robert, I wear inner neoprene liners and then gloves over them. I think I'll give mittens a try :)
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Get a second mortgage and buy a pair of these

Are they as good as they are portrayed Paul? Do you have a pair?
Are they as good as they are portrayed Paul? Do you have a pair?
I do have a pair, in fact I have a spare pair "in reserve" for when the first pair die. They are brilliant for skiing on really cold days. When the weather gets warmer, I have had to resort to taking the inner glove out.
I use silk gloves inside my bike gloves and they keep my hands toasty even on frosty mornings.
Gloves just don't work - mittens are better, but still not enough really unless you get the electrically heated ones (which are expensive) and not that much better.

The best solution is to keep the wind off and I found the best solution was one of these:,aps,116&sr=8-17

There are cheaper ones and if you look on the evil bay there are even cheaper ones from China.

Now I use a wheelchair instead of a mobility scooter I can't use one, but I've found just fitting a dog poo bag loosely over the control and my hand makes a big difference as it keeps the wind off nicely.

It will make a bigger difference (in more ways than one) with fresh warm poo inside ..................:exit:
I use silk gloves inside my bike gloves and they keep my hands toasty even on frosty mornings.
Exactly what I did decades ago when I biked. The silk liner gloves I bought were war surplus......still got them somewhere in storage, so if still in good condition that would make them about 60 - 75 years old.
Gloves don’t work?
I’d hate to think what the wind chill temperature was on the ride to work this morning, yet at no point did I have to turn on the heated grips.
My gloves work.

Same here, rarely wear them but some mornings on the bike I just have to. I want gloves to protect but also prefer ones that don't restrict movement in any way, and I wouldn't be caught dead in mittens.

I have a couple of pairs but find these ones the most comfy/protective/useful [you can use your phone while using them easily enough]

Cheap enough to just give them a try

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I've got some Barchi Heat 7.4V 2200MAH Heated Gloves which i actually bought through my business about 4 months ago, i was working an IT contract on some bases where i was freezing my tits off all day, they have been amazing, they are a bit awkward with the batteries up your sleeves, also they are just liners you need some over gloves to keep the heat in. i managed to get a deal for about £85 for a pair and the RRP is about £120 but worth the money.
I suffer from Raynaud's and use a bike for recreational\exercise tried all the gloves out there even stupidly paid £65 on a pair and none allow me to be out on my bike for more than 20 minutes before my Raynaud's kicked in

I recently bought a pair of these bar Mitts for my bike and they work extremely well I now can be out on my bike for more than an hour before before my Raynaud's kick starts to affect my fingers. I still wear a regular pair of wind proof neoprene based gloves with liners. I bought them after noticing that most of the local Deliveroo, just eat riders were using them

Also if on your mobility scooter you have hard rubber handle bar grips get these replace with those soft foamy silicon grips as they transfer far less heat from your hands to the handle bars.

Mittens are better at keeping you warmer then gloves. The guide from @dale is good thing not mentioned to consider is Dexter, most loves are too various degrees detrinmenttal to this. Is using a pair of scooter gloves an option? like these (I have no experience of any specific type)
Blimey! The person that uses the mitts in the main picture must be seriously deformed - the thumbs are on the wrong side of the hand :LOL:
Golfers are weird...
The thing is we are all different in our ability to tolerate cold. You might wish to look at getting some wrist warmers as apparently they help keep the arteries open and the blood flowing more strongly to the hands and fingers
I picked up a pair of German army surplus mittens for about £15 and they're pretty good for me - windproof and waterproof plus with liners underneath very toasty.
They also come with wrist loops so you can revert to being 5 again !!!
The thing is we are all different in our ability to tolerate cold.

Indeed. Thirty years ago, I was still tearing up and down the country commuting on a motorbike in all weathers; cold, wet, freezing and snow. All I wore were a pair of leather motorcycle gloves and when it was really cold - a pair of bar mitts. Adding a fairing made a big difference too.

Now, on a mobility scooter or in a wheelchair even motorcycle or skiing gloves don't help. Mittens and hand warmers are best, but it means you can't use your hands for anything else.
Ditto! :(
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Glove wise I don't really seem to need them but have a pair I bought from a Poundland years ago that seem to be good enough. I think the ones they sell now are thinner. Not gloves but...

We've been using those gel packs that heat up and you boil to use again, hope you know what I mean, but I bought a rechargeable hand warmer and it's quite good and has different heat setting. It plugs into USB to recharge.